I checked the run out groove of my copy - which is the version that is exactly the same as the standard 45 but with the line 'Heads up my ass' replaced with 'Heads in a blast - to the photo of the copy Madbastard / Urban Futuristic have - which hacks off the intro, pastes the end chorus to the beginning and keeps the word 'ass' intact. Both have the same label on them and cat number - POP2 - but they are pressed from different masters.
Mine has had both sides pressed with the 'A2' master, the other version both sides with the 'A1' master. it would seem at some point there were supposed to be 2 versions on one pressing - A1 & A2. For some reason 2 masters of each side were pressed and then both A1 plates used for some and both A2 plates used for others. Mistake? Mixed up plates? Not sure why you would press up 2 x sets of masters for a short run of radio promos.
So if you have one but want the other - ask your second hand PWEI Product Vendor to check the run out groove before buying!