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pop will eat itself • View topic - Wise Up! Sucker POP 2 / Radio Edit Mystery...Solved?

Wise Up! Sucker POP 2 / Radio Edit Mystery...Solved?

News about pop will eat itself

Wise Up! Sucker POP 2 / Radio Edit Mystery...Solved?

Postby payback3000 » Mon Nov 12, 2012 9:26 am

Sort of...

I checked the run out groove of my copy - which is the version that is exactly the same as the standard 45 but with the line 'Heads up my ass' replaced with 'Heads in a blast - to the photo of the copy Madbastard / Urban Futuristic have - which hacks off the intro, pastes the end chorus to the beginning and keeps the word 'ass' intact. Both have the same label on them and cat number - POP2 - but they are pressed from different masters.

Mine has had both sides pressed with the 'A2' master, the other version both sides with the 'A1' master. it would seem at some point there were supposed to be 2 versions on one pressing - A1 & A2. For some reason 2 masters of each side were pressed and then both A1 plates used for some and both A2 plates used for others. Mistake? Mixed up plates? Not sure why you would press up 2 x sets of masters for a short run of radio promos.

So if you have one but want the other - ask your second hand PWEI Product Vendor to check the run out groove before buying!

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Re: Wise Up! Sucker POP 2 / Radio Edit Mystery...Solved?

Postby VMNP » Mon Nov 12, 2012 9:45 am

That's that then! Nice work. 8-)
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Re: Wise Up! Sucker POP 2 / Radio Edit Mystery...Solved?

Postby Mad Bastard » Mon Nov 12, 2012 10:41 am

How weird! Must try and get that other one at some point.
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Re: Wise Up! Sucker POP 2 / Radio Edit Mystery...Solved?

Postby urban_futuristic » Mon Nov 12, 2012 11:41 am

Glad we got to the bottom of that then... I was convinced you lot thought I was making it up!
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Re: Wise Up! Sucker POP 2 / Radio Edit Mystery...Solved?

Postby VMNP » Mon Nov 12, 2012 12:57 pm

No i've heard the evidence for myself, cheers! :D
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Re: Wise Up! Sucker POP 2 / Radio Edit Mystery...Solved?

Postby 1000x No! » Mon Nov 12, 2012 2:25 pm

So does this affect the recent Rarities compilation?
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Re: Wise Up! Sucker POP 2 / Radio Edit Mystery...Solved?

Postby VMNP » Mon Nov 12, 2012 6:14 pm

I just stuck the other version on the end of my CD as kind of a hidden extra track type thing. 8-)
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Re: Wise Up! Sucker POP 2 / Radio Edit Mystery...Solved?

Postby payback3000 » Tue Nov 13, 2012 7:52 am

I was thinking of adding it. There is room. it is really cack handed though. No one is missing much.

So maybe not.
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Re: Wise Up! Sucker POP 2 / Radio Edit Mystery...Solved?

Postby 1000x No! » Tue Nov 13, 2012 9:20 am

Oh go on! Wasn't the CD meant to plug all remaining holes?
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Re: Wise Up! Sucker POP 2 / Radio Edit Mystery...Solved?

Postby payback3000 » Tue Nov 13, 2012 10:40 am

Might just have a rest first...

I'll update it when I do the 3rd Vol or before...I'll have to re-do the artwork too...i need to figure out how to word it on the track listing as its the same cat number for both versions!
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