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pop will eat itself • View topic - Blurb from Amazon

Blurb from Amazon

News about pop will eat itself

Blurb from Amazon

Postby matt » Mon Aug 08, 2011 12:55 pm

I think this has all been stated elsewhere in bits & pieces, but for the record, this is the blurb off of Amazon for 'New Noise Designed By A Sadist'. I've underlined the bit that i thought interesting & hadn't spotted before.. :

25th Anniversary revival as POP WILL EAT ITSELF announce new album 'New Noise Designed By A Sadist' released. A new era dawns for iconic band Pop Will Eat Itself, with a revival by principal songwriter and co-frontman Graham Crabb. The inspiration behind the music was the challenge to create a classic PWEI album a full 25 years after the first EP release, that sounds more exciting and relevant than most of what is being produced in 2011. Says Graham; It had been my desire to revive Pop Will Eat Itself for a number of years but there came a point when it was clear the original band members wouldn't be committing to any future project in the band's name. I saw this as a sad waste, as I felt I had armed myself with the best batch of songs I've ever written, and felt I still had a lot to prove. I would like nothing better than to elevate PWEI to a higher level than before. That might be ambitious but that's the way I am. The new album 'New Noise Designed By A Sadist' is set for release on October 3rd on Cooking Vinyl , totally finished & mastered, having been mixed by Sulpher duo Monti & Rob Holliday (also guitarist with Prodigy, Marilyn Manson) . Adds Graham, I don't want to make a big issue of the 25 years thing, but I think it's funny, I was chaos & mayhem personified then, so I didn't expect to be alive now, let alone writing my best PWEI songs to date. Part of Graham s burning drive is the belief that Pop Will Eat Itself were, in the recent words of DJ Tiga 'chronically underrated' and also a desire to emerge from the shadows of former PWEI buddy and now soundtrack maestro Clint Mansell. And with a full UK tour in July this year, he will achieve just that. We'll be performing some of Clint's best songs with his blessing. The likes of Ich Bin Ein Auslander and Wise Up Sucker are awesome tunes that still stand proud and fit the PWEI blueprint of sonic assaults built on relentless grooves. With a string of Top 40 UK and US hits, Pop Will Eat Itself rose to prominence fuelled by Crabb-penned tunes such as There Is No Love Between Us Anymore , Bulletproof , RSVP , Get The Girl, Kill The Baddies and many, many others. With Graham being the only original remaining member, and for the UK dates this October, he has pulled together a live band for the tour. Currently rehearsing together, the line up is as follows; Lead Vocals- Graham Crabb Co-Vocalist- Mary Byker- I have known Mary since his days with Gaye Bykers On Acid, fellow Midlanders who started out around the same time as PWEI. He always was a likeable fella and charmed his way into Pigface in the US, before co-fronting UK electronic band Apollo 440. Now living in Brazil where he has opened a bar, and still writes & records as Magnetic Empire with DJ Harry K. He was an automatic first choice. Drummer- Jason Bowld- I always admired Jason's drumming in Pitchshifter and jumped at the chance of using him on the new PWEI record. He's now an in-demand session drummer and recently stood in for Bullet For My Valentine on their most recent tour. Live, he's going to be awesome. Bassist /Guitarist- Tim Muddiman- Tim is a very busy musician who was recommended by a mutual friend. He plays in Gary Numan's band, is part of Sulpher with The Prodigy's live guitarist and also works as an up and coming producer, credited on an Ade Fenton Remix for Slash and Fergie.
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Re: Blurb from Amazon

Postby payback3000 » Mon Aug 08, 2011 2:39 pm

I have to say I'm not looking forwards to hearing anyone 'fill in' for Clint. I never want to hear anyone else sing Wise Up! Sucker. I would rather the new band stuck to Crabbis' stuff. I'd much rather stuff like 'Inject Me', Satellite Ecstatica', 'Cape Connection' and 'Babylon' got a dusting off. Are most fans that fussed about the 'hits' being squeezed into the set?

Hearing Def Con One, Can U Dig it or any of the other romantic grebo duets with Mary Byker instead of Clint will somewhat break the spell of this being an 'all new' PWEI for me.

Is there a nice picture on amazon yet?
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Re: Blurb from Amazon

Postby RolexTharsus » Mon Aug 08, 2011 3:04 pm

I reckon it'll be nice to hear a few of the classics & see what the new band make of them. Some of the duets would be fine in my book because they do represent the Poppies at their finest. As much as I love & miss Clint I think Mary is the perfect choice to replace him, having that pedigree with GBOA & A440 means he can have the confidence to take some of those 2 part songs, bounce off Crabbi and make them his own in the live arena.

Also if we're only getting Crabbi led old stuff on the setlist wouldn't Mary be a bit bored for half the gig? ;)
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Re: Blurb from Amazon

Postby negative8ball » Tue Aug 09, 2011 11:19 am

I also think MOST casual fans who think they'll catch PWEI for a bit of nostalgia wouldn't know Cape Connection (for example), but WOULD know (and expect) Wise Up! Sucker.

I agree - I'd rather they stick to Graham's stuff, but I don't think that's what MOST fans would want... and I doubt as many of them know who sang what in general...
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Re: Blurb from Amazon

Postby Coops » Mon Aug 15, 2011 7:30 am

Pre-ordered mine today from Uncle Amazon. Shouldnt have really, makes the waiting even worse.
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Re: Blurb from Amazon

Postby pedro » Mon Aug 15, 2011 9:24 am

But at least they are in the bag! No point in waiting for the postman until at least October though!
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Re: Blurb from Amazon

Postby jason » Mon Aug 15, 2011 9:34 am

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Re: Blurb from Amazon

Postby Onket » Mon Aug 15, 2011 12:44 pm

I'd also like to hear 'the hits'. Although I'd like to hear some of the other stuff that didn't used to get played.

So I guess I'll be fairly easiliy pleased unless it's utter shit. And even then if I've had enough ale I'm sure it'll be fine.
Last edited by Onket on Mon Aug 15, 2011 3:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Blurb from Amazon

Postby Mad Bastard » Mon Aug 15, 2011 2:19 pm

I definitely want to hear all the old classics too, a PWEI gig without tracks like Def.Con.One and Can U Dig It? would be pretty odd. I'm looking forward to hearing the new line-up's take on them all, I'm especially interested in seeing how Mary does.
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Re: Blurb from Amazon

Postby kwvp » Mon Aug 15, 2011 2:58 pm

That was what was pretty odd about the gigs in 1996. From memory Wise Up! Sucker was the only pre-DDMA track that got an airing.
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