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pop will eat itself • View topic - The Wonder Stuff

The Wonder Stuff

Re: The Wonder Stuff

Postby RolexTharsus » Tue Dec 20, 2011 3:29 pm

Zero half measures (What a carve up!)
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Re: The Wonder Stuff

Postby Coops » Tue Dec 20, 2011 3:58 pm

"Tell at work your weekend tale
Still need the pleasure of a dirty sale
Monday’s back – what can you do?"
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Re: The Wonder Stuff

Postby kjwylie » Thu Dec 22, 2011 4:16 pm

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Re: The Wonder Stuff

Postby kjwylie » Thu Dec 22, 2011 5:06 pm

heres the full gig, if link doesnt work its on moshcam.com, easy to find

http://www.moshcam.com/the-wonder-stuff ... y-joy-town
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Re: The Wonder Stuff

Postby Coops » Thu Dec 22, 2011 5:12 pm

Great clip, top geezer.

But did Miles mean what he said about 'the other two cnuts'?
"Tell at work your weekend tale
Still need the pleasure of a dirty sale
Monday’s back – what can you do?"
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Re: The Wonder Stuff

Postby freedomlover » Fri Jan 13, 2012 11:27 pm

I liked the wonder stuff but not when they reformed it all went down hill from there.
Miles's solo stuff and acoustic shows were excellent but his attempts to create new bands was a down right (Internet lingo) "epic fail". They all vanished into obscurity, might I mention miles hunt club, vent, & his ever shifting line up changes.
The re-recording of groove machine was uncalled for!!! That bloody pissed me off!!!
I can't believe I bought that shit!
Bottom line great band love them to bits, but I think miles needs to make wiser decisions.

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Re: The Wonder Stuff

Postby kjwylie » Sun Jan 15, 2012 8:42 pm

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Re: The Wonder Stuff

Postby freedomlover » Tue Jan 17, 2012 10:20 am

I don't know if they were overrated. I think 8 legged groove machine definitely was, but never loved elvis was a masterpiece for me. It had mission drive, welcome to the cheap seats, here comes everyone, size of a cow, sleep alone, caught in my shadow, donation (excellent live song), 38 line poem, maybe... I would say every song is a classic.

If you listen to them now they're shite. But during the never loved elvis era they were hot live.
Now it's like weak, despite the fact that Miles still has so much energy, the music doesn't back it though.
What I really liked about their debut was the cheekiness, it was an uplifting album to listen to.
Btw Mission Drive was written about Clint Mansell.
If you listen to the lyrics it sounds like they use to live together (well they did) but it actually sounds like they had been going out.
They had fell out Miles had to vent his frustration out.
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Re: The Wonder Stuff

Postby payback3000 » Tue Jan 17, 2012 1:00 pm

I have to say I probably agree with you on NLE aprt from the hoe-down singles which I always skip. Caught In My Shadow, Mission Drive & Circle Square are among my faves. I like a lot of HUP too but Groove machine is really patchy. I only saw them once touring GM when The Bass Thing was still with them. I think I wandered off to the bar halfway through as they were not that engaging live and never bothered to see them again but I did keep picking up the records.
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Re: The Wonder Stuff

Postby syd hancock » Tue Jan 17, 2012 4:50 pm

I still have a lot of time for Groove Machine & Hup. Groove Machine is the fizzing snarky pop album with potential written all over it, wheras Hup sounded like the perfect balance between the increasing chart friendliness of Don't Let Me Down, Gently & Golden Green and the snotty pop kid of 30 Years in the Bathroom and Good Night, Though.

After that, (NLE onwards), they were a great live act, but the records were patchy. Felt like they had fallen prey to the 'trying to sound 'epic'' problem. You know, wank.

If Mission Drive is about Clint, I'd ask for an apology. It's shit. Miles also wrote Burger Standing about Clint. It's on Love Bites & Bruises. It is also shit.

My daughter wrote a song about me teaching her to ride a bike. I wouldn't release that as a record, even though it was better than anything on the last WS album I pissed my hard earned cash on.
Got shit for brains, got blinkered vision; steal our lines from television
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