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pop will eat itself • View topic - New Noise Designed by a Sadist now available for download

New Noise Designed by a Sadist now available for download

News about pop will eat itself

Re: New Noise Designed by a Sadist now available for downloa

Postby kjwylie » Mon Oct 03, 2011 3:06 pm

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Re: New Noise Designed by a Sadist now available for downloa

Postby Ugly Goblin Boy » Mon Oct 03, 2011 3:11 pm

I wll most certainly not be buying anything from that label ever again, so I hope it makes it's way to another distributor soon. I remember negative8ball saying there was a label here in Toronto that may be handling Canadian sales, I don't think they handle on-line distribution though.
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Re: New Noise Designed by a Sadist now available for downloa

Postby negative8ball » Mon Oct 03, 2011 4:55 pm

Storming the Base DO some online sales, but I don't know if there would be enough demand for them to handle something like this... that being said, I will pop them a line and see if nothing shows up on iTunes in the near future...
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Re: New Noise Designed by a Sadist now available for downloa

Postby mikenasty » Mon Oct 03, 2011 5:41 pm

Amazon has the US release date as Nov. 8, I assume that's when iTunes US willl make it available too. They just added the first 2 reissues the other day. I don't have patients to wait until November. Now I must wait for international shipping :evil:
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Re: New Noise Designed by a Sadist now available for downloa

Postby payback3000 » Tue Oct 04, 2011 7:55 am

Oh dear here comes my first really negative post on the new stuff. Every Day Is A World War is almost terrible. I hope I'm not hurting anyone feeling here but I can see why it was left of ther LP and is a bonus track only. It's an unfocused jumble of ideas and styles, almost demo like, and the vocals are so lifeless and buried in the mix, like they are tring to hide them. The EDD version was really good but the song has gone due to over fiddling... i hope the next LP is 100% new stuff so there is no time to re-think and drop the ball in the process. This one lacks the confidence and swagger thet the LP proper shows as a whole.
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Re: New Noise Designed by a Sadist now available for downloa

Postby VMNP » Tue Oct 04, 2011 10:24 am

Agreed 100% sir.
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Re: New Noise Designed by a Sadist now available for downloa

Postby kwvp » Tue Oct 04, 2011 3:39 pm

Agreed the vocals are pretty lost in the mix but I do like the groove/bounce that the track now has.
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Re: New Noise Designed by a Sadist now available for downloa

Postby Dr Peter O'Boogie » Tue Oct 04, 2011 9:12 pm

"See through the news and the views that twist reality"
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Re: New Noise Designed by a Sadist now available for downloa

Postby chrisconnection » Wed Oct 05, 2011 5:37 am

I quite like it but i have been listening to it alot as my album hasn't turned up yet !!

Kinda reminds me of a mix between Nine Inch Nails - 'Hand that feeds' and Underworld's 'Cowgirl' with a bit of Always Outnumbered era Prodigy sound thrown in.
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Re: New Noise Designed by a Sadist now available for downloa

Postby Coops » Wed Oct 05, 2011 6:45 am

"Tell at work your weekend tale
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