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pop will eat itself • View topic - watch the bitch blow tracks

watch the bitch blow tracks

News about pop will eat itself

watch the bitch blow tracks

Postby crozierharrison » Fri Sep 12, 2014 10:54 am

can anyone e-mail me the tracks from the ep in mp3 format that are not going to be on the new album asthey are technically out of print at this point?


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Re: watch the bitch blow tracks

Postby crozierharrison » Sat Sep 13, 2014 11:44 am


thanks for the kind offer could you send them to


many thanks,

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Re: watch the bitch blow tracks

Postby MissCP » Sun Sep 14, 2014 7:39 am

I PMed you about it. Not sure if you've gotten the tracks yet or not.
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Re: watch the bitch blow tracks

Postby VMNP » Sat Sep 20, 2014 10:27 am

If anyone has a promo CD of it going spare please let me know, so sick of searching online for it everyday with zero results! :(
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Re: watch the bitch blow tracks

Postby poppiestar » Sun Sep 21, 2014 11:24 am

I'm still after the regular CD!
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Re: watch the bitch blow tracks

Postby payback3000 » Mon Sep 29, 2014 10:44 am

looks like the CD ep is now on the PWEI shop


Did I mention there is an online shop now?
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Re: watch the bitch blow tracks

Postby Mad Bastard » Mon Sep 29, 2014 11:58 am

The shop's looking really good now! I see they've got all the leftovers from the Pledgemusic and Firebrand stuff there too. Was there much of a difference between the WTBB pledge and gig t-shirts?
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Re: watch the bitch blow tracks

Postby poppiestar » Mon Sep 29, 2014 3:57 pm

Excellent, even managed to snag the double live CD that wasn't available from Abbey Road for less than the WTBB EP costs!

Thanks Crabbi :D
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Re: watch the bitch blow tracks

Postby Phil » Tue Sep 30, 2014 7:42 am

:lol: I'm 41 and I still don't dare wear a PWEI t shirt with the word 'Fuck' on it. Back in the day it was in case my mam told me off and now its in case the wife tells me off. Plus the kids....
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Re: watch the bitch blow tracks

Postby dave_van_damn » Tue Sep 30, 2014 2:07 pm

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