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pop will eat itself • View topic - Every Day Is A World War

Every Day Is A World War

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Every Day Is A World War

Postby mikenasty » Fri Sep 05, 2014 1:34 pm

Does anybody else think the NNDBAS version of Every Day Is a World War sounds really muted? It's a cool song but it seems to lack any of the punch that it should have. It doesn't sound like it was mastered with the rest of the album. Do I just have a shotty MP3? I got it from iTunes. Does the vinyl version sound better? I've been listening to it a lot more lately and just feel it's missing something.
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Re: Every Day Is A World War

Postby kwvp » Fri Sep 05, 2014 2:14 pm

Agree it's a bit of an odd mix, which may explain why it didn't make the main album.
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Re: Every Day Is A World War

Postby Merriweather » Sat Sep 06, 2014 3:45 am

I always assumed that it hadn't been properly mastered and was more of a demo.
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Re: Every Day Is A World War

Postby urban_futuristic » Mon Sep 08, 2014 8:59 am

I actually prefer to listen to the whole NNDBAS on vinyl... to me it sounds like a completely different album to the digital version. (I can only assume that it was properly "mastered" for vinyl - unlike a lot of other vinyl releases these days!).

EDIAWW seems to flow better on the LP too - IMHO of course.
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Re: Every Day Is A World War

Postby MissCP » Sat Sep 13, 2014 9:27 am

Ah, interesting. I hadn't known about this song until this thread. :) Now I have it. Yay for a "new" (to me) song.
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Re: Every Day Is A World War

Postby dave_van_damn » Sun Sep 14, 2014 10:52 am

Anyone know where I can get this song?
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Re: Every Day Is A World War

Postby russelldempsey » Sun Sep 14, 2014 11:32 am

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Re: Every Day Is A World War

Postby dave_van_damn » Sun Sep 14, 2014 12:43 pm

Visit my blog for live bootlegs, b-sides and rare vinyl
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Re: Every Day Is A World War

Postby rjrteb » Sun Sep 14, 2014 2:51 pm

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Re: Every Day Is A World War

Postby MissCP » Mon Sep 15, 2014 7:11 am

yeah, I just bought the single track from iTunes as well.
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