My first time there so looking forward to it in a huge way - great line up also with some great old skool DJ's (i am thinking acid house / hip hop era here). A chance to see the PE again (its been years) and my first time at a Grandmaster Flash show - not forgetting The Cure (last time i saw them was 95 at Glastonbury) and Primal Scream doing Screamadelica (plus a host of others).
Saturday night is fancy dress night - Rock Stars and Pop Stars. What to do has been on my mind for a month or so now but last night it came to me, i am going to go as either Clint or Graham. I am shorter like Graham so that should be my best avenue, but Clint did wear some outrageous stuff (which i loved at the time) and it could be a bit chilly in the evening so a dread lock wig will keep my otherwise uncovered head some warmth (plenty available online). They both had the habit of wearing their own band shirts, so that part is sorted.
Any other suggestions or pictures of "looks" you think i might want to see - please post, i dont have long to get this together