Random Fortune

Random Fortune

Postby Meat Trademark » Tue Aug 13, 2013 5:18 pm

To be into "alternative" music (whatever that means) was not easy in the 1980's in Middle America and places like LaPorte, Indiana. We basically had to choose titles out of catalogs we'd paid for, or picked from better record stores fifty miles away with "import" sections where we could hold the cassette in our paws and study it, unheard. I found Skinny Puppy and Coil that way by trusting cover art. And The Tape-beatles from a catalogue. Whatever gets you there. From one of our adventures into Chicago my girlfriend ended up with the Box Frenzy cassette. GAME OVER. I loved it!

That is a the real voyage that lead to me discovering PWEI.
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Re: Random Fortune

Postby Onket » Tue Aug 13, 2013 6:07 pm

Love it!

I bought lots of stuff in the UK based on the cover art. It's all so different now, isn't it.

And of course the flip side is hearing DJs play a tune and never knowing who it is by. I'm taking 'raving' now.
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Re: Random Fortune

Postby Meat Trademark » Tue Aug 13, 2013 8:03 pm

The age of bit torrenting discographies has murdered that wondering if the piece of vinyl you just bought BLIND will be any good or if you can trade it later. Still, so much gained in this age too. I'd never have found a couple of my favorites (The Evolution Control Committee and People Like Us being only two of MANY examples.) Loss and gain. Plus and minus. Signal to noise is increasing on the signal side. No PWEInation without some cost.
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Re: Random Fortune

Postby Meat Trademark » Tue Aug 13, 2013 8:11 pm

So exciting! I've just been upgraded to "preaching to the perverted" and am just shallow enough to mention that and things like I've hugged Tori Amos, shook hands with Robert Smith, been to the moon and gotten high with Joe Walsh. Sure, one of those isn't true, but I'm finally preaching to the perverted. :P
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