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pop will eat itself • View topic - Sulphur - New PWEI LP Producers

Sulphur - New PWEI LP Producers

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Sulphur - New PWEI LP Producers

Postby payback3000 » Mon Jul 25, 2011 8:35 am

I have no idea who they are - because I'm very uncool - but some info here...

http://www.ultimatemetal.com/forum/inte ... liday.html

Sounds like the new PWEI LP will be some heavy sh*t then?
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Re: Sulphur - New PWEI LP Producers

Postby Mad Bastard » Mon Jul 25, 2011 9:57 am

Does mean fuck all to me too to be honest, but it seems like they have a similar style to NIN. Sounds interesting.
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Re: Sulphur - New PWEI LP Producers

Postby chrisconnection » Mon Jul 25, 2011 1:17 pm

Ive Had their album SPRAY for a few years its pretty good . Think NIN / Stabbing Westward / Newer Gary Numan and you're about there.. Talented guys. Im sure they had a EBM side project (among others) called V2A i remember getting a few dj promos from them a few years ago.

What happened to Chris Vrenna producing then ? Jason Bowld said he had remote recorded the drums with him ?
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Re: Sulphur - New PWEI LP Producers

Postby Pirate » Mon Jul 25, 2011 7:23 pm

Allo all. Good to find the new/old home!

I saw Sulphur a few times years ago. Thoroughly enjoyed them and all of their material releases around the 'spray' era. Never seemed to be able to follow it up tho' and the demo material they posted of the later stuff was terrible, in a much weaker, almost AOR style.

Was always very impressed with their production output tho. I'm pretty sure Rob was behind the controls when Mr Numan reinvented himself. I think Rob's also been involved with Curve, The Mission and The Prodigy. Vaguely have a feeling he might have had something to do with Marilyn Manson, but I'm a bit hazy on that one.

I have to admit I was slightly disappointed at the announcement as I was looking forward to hearing a Chris Vrenna influence. Still, looking forward to hearing it. And Sulphur could be a good mix.
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Re: Sulphur - New PWEI LP Producers

Postby rjrteb » Mon Jul 25, 2011 7:29 pm

I was looking forward to the 2nd Sulpher album for ages, tbh I thought the snippets they posted on their (now defunct) website sounded promising...would be a boring world if we all agreed ;)

To add to the above, Rob plays in the live lineup of The Prodigy currently & has also played with Gary Numan, The Mission, The Creatures, Curve & Marilyn Manson. I've also seen him do a guest spot on a track at an A Perfect Circle show in Birmingham a few years back. Monti also played with Curve if I remember rightly. Also, I think Sulpher played on & produced Gary Numan's "Pure" album.
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