"Today, people are asking, “where did PWEI’s website go? Even Vileevil’s website hasn’t been signed into in months and the latest reports are that the site only has approximately 69 members. It looks desolate. There are reports that Graham Crabb is holed-up currently putting together a new version of Pop Will Eat Itself to celebrate the band's 25th year in 2011. So why didn’t the band hold off until 2011 when clearly they would receive more notice and acclaim for reaching such a pinnacle year in their careers? There are no answers forthcoming and no one is talking. Which brings about the question: was this a media ploy to increase old fan base and secure new fans? As the old saying goes, leave them waiting and wanting more! Will their fans be that forgiving after waiting so long for a new album? Are they that naïve to think that their fans will stick around until next year waiting for another album which won’t be released? Don’t hold your breath PWEI or Vileevil or whatever name you contrive next year, you need to keep holding onto the fame to earn that right. "
Who actually wrote this????