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pop will eat itself • View topic - A quick word about the new line up

A quick word about the new line up

News about pop will eat itself

A quick word about the new line up

Postby New Way Of Decay » Sun Aug 07, 2011 8:33 pm

OK, as a lifelong PWEI fan I just wanted to put my opinion up. Opinions are like the internet. Every asshole has an internet. No wait. Whatever, you get the picture. People want to express their opinion freely and I get that. But opinions are quickly made but never really considered. Everyone has a staunch opinion, but never a real argument.

So the real argument is, without Clint, Adam, Richard and Fuzz, this isn't PWEi right? Let me fucking re-wind man. Go back a long way. When you look at the earlier records for PWEI, a lot of the songs are credited to Graham. Nobody pipped the fuck up when Clint started writing tracks. Because nobody really cared right?

The way PWEI created songs has been something I always respected. That all tracks went under the name of Vestan Pants. PWEI, self confessed ugly bastards that they are had an amazing brand identity. They placed an amazing product under the mantle of an almost featureless figurehead. They were an enigma. I had to scour ancient clippings of magazines to even get to know them as musicians where everyone else pimped themselves.

The new line up, yes is not the original members. But is is the right focus. It is the right mantra.

Let us allow a pretty fucking solid lineup to try? I miss a world without PWEI. I miss an antidote to the norm. If we hate on it so much, can we really have entered into the spirit of PWEI. The poppies are supposed to be crap after all, so before we start getting opinionated, why don't we at least let the yardstick be shitty?
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Re: A quick word about the new line up

Postby VMNP » Mon Aug 08, 2011 4:03 am

Good post! I've been backward and forward about this project since it was announced but now that things are moving forward and things happening i'm getting behind it and giving my support because i WANT it to be great.
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Re: A quick word about the new line up

Postby urban_futuristic » Mon Aug 08, 2011 5:24 am


New Way Of Decay... Preaching to the Perverted!
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Re: A quick word about the new line up

Postby payback3000 » Mon Aug 08, 2011 7:34 am

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Re: A quick word about the new line up

Postby Mike » Mon Aug 08, 2011 10:08 am

Yeah I think most people are the same. Well said!
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Re: A quick word about the new line up

Postby negative8ball » Mon Aug 08, 2011 10:57 am

I have mixed feelings, only because I thought Vile Evils was a good "middle ground" - it got billed (always) as "ex-PWEI" - so you still got the PWEI contingent behind it...

It's all semantics, though... other bands have done this, and some have flourished in their new lineups... so, I've decided all along to hold judgment until I hear what comes of this - the sour taste in my mouth is ENTIRELY down to the VE project; how it was handled and how it ended. Leaves me a little more gun shy on New PWEI.
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Re: A quick word about the new line up

Postby jason » Mon Aug 08, 2011 12:10 pm

I've heard and it's probably not true but apparently most of pwei's music is sample based and so it doesn't really matter.

I think I'm just waiting to see how it goes but I am really pleased that Mary Byker's in it.

I predicted that, didn't I?
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Re: A quick word about the new line up

Postby Ohm » Mon Aug 08, 2011 1:01 pm

Putting these reissues together has really opened my eyes to how much PWEI was 'Graham's band' (for want of a better expression). Seems to me he has every right to do it if none of the other guys object. Working at a reissues label I've seen people with far worse claims to the name carry on in the interest of commercialism rather than art, but this doesn't look like that at all to me. Or something.
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Re: A quick word about the new line up

Postby VMNP » Mon Aug 08, 2011 2:16 pm

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Re: A quick word about the new line up

Postby Onket » Wed Aug 10, 2011 12:34 pm

I'd look forward to seeing all future songs credited to Vestan Pance.
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