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pop will eat itself • View topic - The Wonder Stuff

The Wonder Stuff

Re: The Wonder Stuff

Postby freedomlover » Tue Jan 17, 2012 6:29 pm

After reading your post Hancock I just took a look at the booklet for love bites and bruises wtf is he a stalker or something?
About the song burger standing miles hunt writes "this song I had aimed to be the antidote to mission drive's essential frustration. I had fallen out terribly with my dear fried Clint mansell some 2 years previously that being the main theme of mission drives lyrics. We had a reconciliation of no small significance in 1992"
Is he talking about them appearing in a magazine cover kissing?

lol wtf is going on? It sounds like they had something more going on. Miles even appeared in another cover wearing drag, & the lyrics for cheapseats are really homoerotic.
Hmmm if it quacks like a duck...

Seriously though, payback I just realised that I hated those hoe down songs too!
I thought I was the only one that thought their albums sounded incomplete.
Having said that NLE will always be one of the best albums of all time, I would place it up there with some other underrated albums like Mansun's Six.
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Re: The Wonder Stuff

Postby Coops » Wed Jan 18, 2012 8:02 am

To this day I dont understand why Wonder Stuff fans appear to dislike Contruction For The Modern Idiot. For me its leagues ahead of Never Loved Elvis (although its sub-Hup! and 8LGM)
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Re: The Wonder Stuff

Postby payback3000 » Wed Jan 18, 2012 8:15 am

I've never heard anythng of Idiot. I just remember thet being the LP which burstthebubble. Maybe it's just associated with that in peoples minds? I've steered well clear of it as I assumed it was bobbins. It is worth a listen then?
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Re: The Wonder Stuff

Postby Coops » Wed Jan 18, 2012 9:16 am

I think so. At the time some fans may have been put off because the band went glossy with this album which is fair comment. Although it is also ironic as they'd previously scored a UK number one with a comedy cover version. I also think some fans deserted as they were getting into shit like Suede which is not fair comment, its wank.
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Re: The Wonder Stuff

Postby freedomlover » Wed Jan 18, 2012 10:33 am

lol suede weren't they that overrated bands that had two ok songs & became super stars somehow?
Modern idiot was actually a very good album, it was also one of the only albums they produced that all the songs fitted in well together. It had songs like change every lightbulb, cabin fever, storm drain, swell & sing the absurd which were some of their best songs. The singles on the other hand were weak, which probably what helped people make up their minds & bypass the
Album altogether
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Re: The Wonder Stuff

Postby Coops » Wed Jan 18, 2012 4:12 pm

"Tell at work your weekend tale
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Re: The Wonder Stuff

Postby syd hancock » Wed Jan 18, 2012 4:47 pm

Construction was just the wrong step after Never Loved Elvis. Too much musical filler and a duff lead off single; On The Ropes was enough to put me off with it's hopeless verse:

Seconds out
Do you wanna know what this fights about
Commerciality over art can't win out
I'm alike in a lot of ways
I'm alike in a lot of ways
I'm alike in a lot of ways

It's..it's, well, it's just shit. A bad verse, not particularly lyrical, a pretentious mouthful of gibberish, wrapped in one of their least exciting, most commercial tunes. I think there's a word for that. Aside from 'unfortunate'

That said, I did buy it a few years down the line. I was disappointed then and remain disappointed by it. It could have made a decent e.p. Not that I know what I'd have put on it. Maybe that remix of Swell that someone did (was it B12?).

For what it's worth; agree with Coops that we don't need to be implying owt about folks sexuality here, but I suspect that no offence was meant, so let's all carry on playing nice, after all, we are a dwindling band.
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Re: The Wonder Stuff

Postby Coops » Wed Jan 18, 2012 6:10 pm

"Tell at work your weekend tale
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Re: The Wonder Stuff

Postby VMNP » Wed Jan 18, 2012 7:25 pm

Yes play nice kids.

Construction is actually my second favourite stuffies album after HUP. Out of the first four albums i rate NLE last to be honest.
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Re: The Wonder Stuff

Postby freedomlover » Wed Jan 18, 2012 11:36 pm

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