Thoughts on album title / twitter stream comment

News about pop will eat itself

Thoughts on album title / twitter stream comment

Postby wierdsbarandgrill » Tue Jul 26, 2011 5:35 pm


"Enjoyed all the posts and reactions to PWEI announcements. From the well-wishers to the hilarious anal retentives, all good fun."

Assuming this is actually Graham and not some spoof ID, I find it quite odd that that twitter post seems to exist solely to piss off the very peopel Graham needs on his side right now.

Is it being a "hilarious anal retentive" to see a band i care immensely about have their name thrown to wind to satisfy the vanity of an ex-singer's solo project? Make no bones about it, this is a Graham Crabb solo album with a bunch of hired hands and session musicians, using the PWEI name for band recognition and to get a commercial foothold.

Thats a crass and cynical misuse of the reputation and band name just for some cash.The album title is bloody bloody dreadful. And its very telling.

Think of the album title from a grammatical point of view "New Noise From A Sadist". Not THE sadists. "A" sadist. Singular. Alone. That confirms it is in, in everything but band name, a solo project.

To think of a similar Birmingham based band comparison ; When The drummer of ELO wanted to keep on touring, he did so under the name Electric Light Orchestra Part 2. People knew the difference. This does no such honour. Quite frankly, if he had used the name "Pop Will Eat Itself v2.0" - AND make NO bones about it, thats a far far better album title - that allows you to use the name and also make the difference known. This does not.

From hence forth, this line up shoudl be known as Pop Will Eat Itself v2.0 ; if only for legal purposes.

I can't imagine that had Graham approached Fuzz / Richard / Adam, that somehow the fans wouldn't have wanted that. Think of it like this -
Did the Kingmaker renuion work a coupel of years ago, with a different singer and guitarist? Did you even know it happened? Exactly.

And If I'm a "hilarious anal retentive" for seeing an ex-singer hijacking the band name and piggybacking his new solo career off of it, then I beg to differ. This band meant - and still does mean - a lot to a lot of people. Throwing the reputation away on some ill conceived idiot crusade just to get a record company interested is, quite frankly, misguided and insulting.

And don't even get me started on how, as one poster put it, a band comprising of 3/3rds of PWEI can't use the name, yet a band with a ex-singer who quit in 95 somehow is PWEI.

Hilarious? No. Passionate, yes. I do give a damn about this band, and hate the way this is happening. Subterfuge, a dripfeed of information, a lack of transparency, and overall, it gives the impression of someone trying to make the best out of it without telling you what you are actually buying.

To misquite Robocop - Graham, I'm very disappointed.
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Re: Thoughts on album title / twitter stream comment

Postby Onket » Tue Jul 26, 2011 8:53 pm

Have to admit I do agree with parts of what you say.

I'll be buying the Cherry Red re-issues, and going to see them live in October. I doubt I'll be buying the new album though, going on who is involved with it.
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Re: Thoughts on album title / twitter stream comment

Postby kwvp » Wed Jul 27, 2011 4:38 pm

I consider myself an anal retentive well-wisher...
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Re: Thoughts on album title / twitter stream comment

Postby Ugly Goblin Boy » Wed Jul 27, 2011 4:40 pm

Two words that sum up how I view PWEI at the moment...

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Re: Thoughts on album title / twitter stream comment

Postby VMNP » Wed Jul 27, 2011 4:41 pm

I think he should be trying to win people round rather than alienating them further to be honest.
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