
Re: Bestival

Postby Dr Peter O'Boogie » Tue Sep 06, 2011 12:24 pm

I shall have to wait until Monday and judge its condition after Saturday night - there is a lot on i want to see / hear Saturday and that usually means i am at my most wrecked.

I just collected the "dreads" from my mums and to be honest i cant see them making it (mind you probably not a good idea to travel through East London wearing them anyway, some people may not see it as just a good humoured white bloke) - they are a little shoddy when new :(
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Dr Peter O'Boogie
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Re: Bestival

Postby Dr Peter O'Boogie » Thu Sep 15, 2011 4:54 pm

Well no one would have ever confused me for Clint thats for sure - a little fat bloke in a poppies shirt wearing a wig was about the size of it!

Great festival though, i would go again and probably will next year.

Highlights were Public Enemy (for the first time since the 80's) - Grandmaster Flash, PJ Harvey, Cure, Big Audio Dynamite and Robyn. My absolute highlight was Primal Scream at about 1 in the morning on Sat / Sun - no suprises there as i am a huge fan but this was some performance. Mani promised me they would tear the fecking arse out of it and he was not wrong - a lot of new fans won for the band i think.

I was looking forward to DJ Shadow on the final night but he was a bit of a let down (not much hip or trip hop to be heard) - but then Norman Cook arrived to finish it all in style, good old fatboy thats what i say!!

I got a "cool shirt" comment on the Saturday for my Diam shirt and after B.A.D. on the Sunday i had a comment on my green Craig shirt (a bootleg i think) with the guy walking off shouting "Sample it, Loop it......". A chap stopped me on the way to the bus on Monday, i did my duty and filled him in on the new album / tour / this site etc. I also had a few comments from the ladies on my funky new wellies - a tenner from millets, bargain!!
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Dr Peter O'Boogie
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Re: Bestival

Postby Onket » Sat Sep 17, 2011 10:32 am

Sounds like good work all round, mate. :)

p.s. I saw DJ Shadow a few years back in Brixton- utter crap.
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