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pop will eat itself • View topic - How to Help Promote Anti-Nasty League

How to Help Promote Anti-Nasty League

News about pop will eat itself

Re: How to Help Promote Anti-Nasty League

Postby crabbi » Mon Jun 08, 2015 10:26 am

I've just been directed to this page by Jason Bailey & have to say I'm really touched that you guys care so much to help out in this way. When PWEI took the totally independent route it felt nice to have all that freedom, but the amount of work is colossal, particularly on the promoting/marketing side of things. There are a lot of promotions companies out there and I can see why. They make a profit, the band's generally don't. From my experiments with promoting/advertising, I see that it has some effect but ends up with a negative balance sheet, so I've pretty much knocked paid promotions on the head. As bands we're always encouraged to 'widen our fanbase' and 'get to the next level' which I fully understand, but after years of going through that, I now understand it to be a euphemism for 'spend money' and 'get into debt'.
I look after my 2 daughters on a daily basis so consequently can't get anywhere near the amount of promo I would like to do for the album. Everything's a learning curve & I'm making a lot of mistakes but hopefully everyone understands the band is not a full-time paid job like it used to be, but we do our best. Jason does an enormous amount of work for me on the internet side of things and Paul Snell with artwork/design, particularly on my solo stuff. They're legends - and with you guys getting involved, it helps pull it up 'another level' or two - which is fantastic.
Video is undoubtedly an area we could do with tapping into - it has a huge audience. A proper video costs us at least £500 a time though. So like promotions and marketing you can soon be spending more money than you can expect back in sales. So what we can do is release some live footage of the new tracks and maybe do some lip synching etc & if anybody wants a pop at making their own vid, that would be absolutely ace. What I've got to look at now is where we can host all these ideas; remixes, videos. We'll need more storage space for sure.
But thanks for caring & wanting to help the band out. It's truly, truly appreciated, thanks all.
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Re: How to Help Promote Anti-Nasty League

Postby Mad Bastard » Mon Jun 08, 2015 1:02 pm

Great to hear from you, Graham! I can't speak for everyone obviously but I think it's fair to say PWEI means a lot to us everyone wants it to be as awesome as it can.

For remixes, I'm sure Soundcloud could be used. Senser had everyone upload their stuff there for their recent remix competition and that seemed to work fine as far as I can see. As for storage space I'm in the web design business myself so if Jason can't sort our more space maybe I can have a word with the boss and sort out some free server space...
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Re: How to Help Promote Anti-Nasty League

Postby Stubborn Puppet » Mon Jun 08, 2015 4:16 pm

Doing what I can to talk about PWEI and the new album in person and online at all the different sites I visit.

I've even asked people on the chat for some online video games, "Have you guys heard the new Pop Will Eat Itself Album?" and then tell them they need to check it out.

Mr. Crabb, the reason we do this is that we appreciate you and the rest of the guys as much as you appreciate us. It's mutual. And music is so important - it touches people in a way which all other art only aspires.
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Re: How to Help Promote Anti-Nasty League

Postby jason » Mon Jun 08, 2015 7:58 pm

Err! Cheers Graham.

All help is good as we can get more ideas. I'm not that creative.

Hi Mad_B- I'm currently using Amazon for hosting of remixes and reviewer stuff (album streaming -kind of). It's been free so far but my free tier year is up. I can renew with another email address but if there's free options for hosting videos etc then yes please. Not sure how much you want to help but sounds like a video/remix competition might be on the cards.

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Re: How to Help Promote Anti-Nasty League

Postby SteveJames-Igor » Tue Jun 09, 2015 9:15 am

I'm just a new guy on here but I really appreciate the work that goes into these sites.
A big thanks to Jason, who is doing a brilliant job.
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Re: How to Help Promote Anti-Nasty League

Postby Mad Bastard » Tue Jun 09, 2015 3:47 pm

Here to sing, by request, here we bring...
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Re: How to Help Promote Anti-Nasty League

Postby VMNP » Tue Jun 09, 2015 6:46 pm

I just shared a shitload of stuff on facebook through the Pweination profile, later tonight or tomorow i'll do the same from my personal profile. 8-)
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Re: How to Help Promote Anti-Nasty League

Postby artificialhuman » Tue Jun 09, 2015 7:05 pm

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Re: How to Help Promote Anti-Nasty League

Postby RolexTharsus » Thu Jun 11, 2015 7:15 am

Just to caveat this post, it's very much a long shot/ complete fantasy, but still an idea!

Seeing that the Prodge are taking Public Enemy out as support for the next leg of their tour, what chance them adding another of their inspirations/ old mates on to that bill or even PWEI supporting on new dates (if there are any)?

Obviously don't know how this works in terms of management/ contracts/ cost etc.

Alternatively maybe a support slot for someone like the Numanoid (if Tim can survive 2 sets a night!)

Know we'd all want to see the Poppies headlining tours & they deserve it, but thinking a high profile support slot in front of an audience that might be old school Poppies fans/ fans of the sound would get ANL out there in people's faces.

Feel free to shoot me down on this idea Nation :)
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Re: How to Help Promote Anti-Nasty League

Postby VMNP » Thu Jun 11, 2015 7:31 am

It's not a bad idea at all mate, I agree with you. 8-)
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