I have a few albums on my ipod { no new stuff....yet! }
It's always a bit of a guessing game how you think a band that uses a lot of samples etc will come across live.
I can't really judge by the Youtube video's as my computers speakers are in a nutshell, abysmal.
Man they were good, really really good.
They were so much heavier than I expected, this is a massive positive for me.
And I love the big bass sound.
He can get quite a bit of volume just from that one stack.
On the whole I thought the sound very clear but still quite loud through my foam plugs.
It made my day when Mary Byker asked "Is there anyone here from Byker?"
I'm from Byker so, both arms shot straight up

The band seemed to enjoy it themselves which is a huge plus as a band just going through the motions
will not fool an audience as the effort put in *always* comes across in the playing.
Watching Jason behind the drum kit was a real pleasure, he never stops smiling.
Graham & Mary are great front men and they had the crowd in the palm of their hands.
Tim & Davey adding the heavy stuff sounded great to me.
I wear foam ear plugs these days and it filters out a lot of the noise, so the guitar can seem a lot clearer.
Despite not knowing all the words, I was singing in anycase, what band's lyrics I have no idea.
A good mix of the old classics and the new stuff and, I loved the new stuff.
I hope I get the chance to buy the new cd.
I've probably never enjoyed a live show so much in all my 34 years of concert going.
I enjoyed the show so much I fully intend to travel to their shows on any future tours.
An unexpected treat was a good chat with them after the show.
One thing I will have to learn for my next set of live shows is the art of bouncing.
At my Metal & Punk gigs I just usually bang my head.
But just banging your head, didn't seem enough at this show.
It was no joke two days later when my calves felt the full force of the PWEI bouncing experience.
The fact I was wearing steel capped boots that weigh about 35lb each might also of had something to do with it.
All in all an amazing musical experience and I will be traveling to a few shows on their next tour.
Not with those deep sea divers boots though!