
News about pop will eat itself


Postby bronxzoo » Tue May 26, 2015 7:23 pm

anyone else going?
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Re: southampton

Postby kwvp » Thu May 28, 2015 9:18 am

Was there but didn't see your post until now, sorry.

Was an odd gig - my thoughts before it started were that it was a great venue with decent sound system and lights, but fuck me it was like most of the audience had been dug up - people just stood motionless in the middle of what would have been the mosh pit if there'd been one. Must've been hard work for the band.

That said, great set. We were treated to Reclaim The Game. I think something else got dropped from the set part way through, which I thought may have been due to the lacklustre response from much of the crowd, but perhaps not.

The encore was interesting - part way into the first track crabbi spilt his cider and the backing track blew up. Unclear if the two events were related, but they persevered and we were treated to stripped down versions of Get The Girl and Def Con One. Their Law without a backing track was going to be a step too far, so whilst crabbi went off to fetch his iPad - I think with a view to playing the track from there, though it didn't happen - we instead got a no-backing version of RSVP.

Thoroughly enjoyed myself. Roll on tonight - and hopefully the backing track failures aren't terminal...
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Re: southampton

Postby kwvp » Thu May 28, 2015 9:33 am

Actually, looking at it, same set list as posted for Newcastle with the addition of RTG, and the substitution of RSVP for Their Law, so nothing dropped after all - maybe they just switched the order of a couple.
Last edited by kwvp on Thu May 28, 2015 10:08 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: southampton

Postby bronxzoo » Thu May 28, 2015 9:58 am

It was an odd crowd, I was at the front for the whole gig, and still had room to dance, great set though and I'm glad they couldn't play their law, still kind of look at it as a cover version, rsvp rocked!! New stuff is fantastic live as well
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Re: southampton

Postby kwvp » Thu May 28, 2015 10:14 am

It was a significant venue for me - first discovered pweination in uni halls half a mile down the road, and 'interviewed' BRA in their tour van outside a couple of years later. Wasn't going to miss the opportunity to have a dance, even if sober!

Whilst I'm on the subject of significant venues, I was in Leamington when I learned of the demise of PWEI and saw Fuzz's ad saying "recently ex-PWEI. Totally grooving. Rubber limbs."..
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