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pop will eat itself • View topic - PWEI live in Stourbridge 01.08.14 (download)

PWEI live in Stourbridge 01.08.14 (download)

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PWEI live in Stourbridge 01.08.14 (download)

Postby dave_van_damn » Sun Aug 03, 2014 9:08 am

I recorded the gig on 3 devices - a dictaphone, a Mini Disc player and an iPhone. The mics on the first two were completely overloaded but the iPhone managed to handle it. Sorta. The sound isn't great but it's passable. Sounds a bit like an old PWEI audience recording from the 90s! Anyway, here it is tidied up and EQd for your listening pleasure. Share away and enjoy! :D

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Re: PWEI live in Stourbridge 01.08.14 (download)

Postby dave_van_damn » Sun Aug 03, 2014 9:16 am

Oh, any mistakes in the ID tags/track names lemme know. I EQd this pretty quickly as I'm off on holiday for a week tomorrow and only had a chance to listen to it a few times on my iphone so if there are any disturbingly loud or ear piercing parts let's know and I'll try to fix them. The original recording was very bass heavy so I've tried to lighten it up a bit.
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Re: PWEI live in Stourbridge 01.08.14 (download)

Postby ian_t » Sun Aug 03, 2014 9:20 am

bass heavy is good!!

cheers , top man
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Re: PWEI live in Stourbridge 01.08.14 (download)

Postby Mad Bastard » Sun Aug 03, 2014 11:04 am

Nice one, cheers for the upload! :)
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Re: PWEI live in Stourbridge 01.08.14 (download)

Postby payback3000 » Mon Aug 04, 2014 2:27 pm

Many thanks for this. Enjoyed the gig - stayed out of harms way at the side of the stage near the tables but had a disco dance to 'Can U Dig It' and punched the air on many an occassion.

Thanks again to Bones & the band for a corking night.
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