Hi everyone,
I've been into the Poppies since first being introduced to them by a mate, I think when This is This had just come out. I seem to remenber being played stuff off that and Box Frenzy the same day, and was hooked.
Didn't get to see them live though until the amalgamation tour (Leeds T&C). Then at the free Heineken Festival the following year. (By the way, sorry to be picky but in the 'On Patrol' section (July 1995) it should say Round
hay Park.

In 96 I remenber being with some mates in one of the indie record shops in Leeds and we picked up a flyer advertising a gig in Manchester a few weeks later, stating 'last UK show this year'. We didn't even know there'd been any that year! So off we went, very excited, hearing they'd be doing Their Law, all very good, then got chatting to Fuzz beforehand. Only to find out, Not the last UK show this year lads, no. Last ever. We're off to Roskilde tomorrow then that's it. I think the term 'musical differences' came up but I can't remember if Fuzz actually said that or it was amongst my mate Scott's ceaseless questions! That put a bit of an edge on an otherwise great gig, I seem to remember Clint looking a bit tired, like he wanted it over, but that could easily have been influenced by the converation we'd just had.
Then fast forward to Reformation, the Saturday (I think) of the Brum gigs. Possibly the best show of the lot, though having seen the Wolverhampton '94 footage on Youtube, I'm wondering whether the Leeds show that year sounded that good and I just can't remember it properly! Now I'm still debating with myself whether to see the new incarnation in Sheffield next month.
Like I suspect a few others on hear, my girlfriend is getting sick of hearing them / about them now. She loves Clint's soundtrack work, but the rest just doesn't do it for her. She is rather fond of calling them Popweetis, after initially mis-hearing me, and now loves doing it on purpose.
I am most looking forward to the next 3 re-releases, and if DDMA gets sorted, any of the unreleased 96 stuff. I have a vague recollection of new stuff being played back at that gig in Manchester, but was far too refreshed to remember it!