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pop will eat itself • View topic - 25th May - O2 Islington.

25th May - O2 Islington.

News about pop will eat itself

Re: 25th May - O2 Islington.

Postby Mad Bastard » Tue May 27, 2014 9:50 am

Yeah I thought Jason sounded particularly awesome, especially at the end of PWEI-zation. Reclaim The Game was great fun too, and loved the bit after the Crabbi slagging off Pledge Music when it turned to 'blame FIFA for everything' :D
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Re: 25th May - O2 Islington.

Postby MissCP » Tue May 27, 2014 10:38 am

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Re: 25th May - O2 Islington.

Postby dave_van_damn » Tue May 27, 2014 3:02 pm

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Re: 25th May - O2 Islington.

Postby VMNP » Tue May 27, 2014 3:24 pm

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Re: 25th May - O2 Islington.

Postby payback3000 » Tue May 27, 2014 3:32 pm

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Re: 25th May - O2 Islington.

Postby VMNP » Tue May 27, 2014 5:17 pm

Ah ok cheers for that. My other question being...Why has Graham got the hump with Pledge Music?
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Re: 25th May - O2 Islington.

Postby Dr Peter O'Boogie » Tue May 27, 2014 5:51 pm

sounds like I missed a good night :|

I have had a bit of a stomach problem recently, a lot better now but cant really eat too much or too late - had planned to show off my slender new shape. I look so well apparently, which is ironic after so much sickness :lol:

Friday went well (NIN), drank far too much though and that's not a cheap thing to do at the O2, Saturday morning was awoken by my granddaughter nice and early and felt fine, had a bacon sandwich & took my pills. The problem was a bit later I got the hangover munchies, ate far too much of the wrong food (and forgive my coarseness, didn't shit) and being tired slept early. A terrible night / morning followed and I was just too rough to go on Sunday night.
Sorry for not being able to let anyone know, my electrical devices pinged off one by one on Sunday morning with feeling too rough to locate chargers and my phone is pretty much useless (although a replacement has arrived) at present.

Spent yesterday watching some great video from Bristol (I think) on YouTube, felt like crying. NIN were good, but it feels similar to having to leave an event before the main act.

Anyway - glad to hear it was a good night, and what's this about Graham voicing distaste with Pledge? I can only think its due to the delay in actually producing or sending anything, a label starting with "D" springs heavily to mind!
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Re: 25th May - O2 Islington.

Postby retrodreaming » Wed May 28, 2014 8:46 pm

Graham's probably pissed with Pledge because they haven't sent out any of the orders yet. So the band are playing stuff you haven't heard unless you've downloaded it.

I think Tim did a great job, and the band are probably playing better than ever in terms of the current incarnation of the band. I disagree about Jason, he's good, but his style is quite rigid and boxy, and doesn't have the swing of Fuzz - listen to the live version of DOTM from 2005 (Reformation) vs 2012 (Reading), especially all the fills in the verses - which reminds me of the differences between Robbie Maddix and Reni on The Stone Roses drum stools. Both are good, but one drummers style, to my ears, matches the old material better. Would be nice to hear more stuff off Cure For Sanity and LOTL? as well. They'd do a cracking "Bulletproof". or "Mother". Or the pop version of "92F".

However, in my opinion, and this is not to dismiss the current band at all, the 1986-1995,2005 versions were much more enjoyable shows. (Well, apart from the 1996 gigs, they were miserable)
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Re: 25th May - O2 Islington.

Postby pedro » Thu May 29, 2014 8:33 am

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Re: 25th May - O2 Islington.

Postby syd hancock » Fri Jun 06, 2014 11:06 am

Yeah, I really enjoyed the gig. Tiniest 'stage' I've ever seen PWEI on.

Thoroughly enjoyed the quality of the show, the enthusiasm of the band (whom I have now completely accepted as PWEI mk.2),
the reduced moves available to Graham and Mary; enjoyed Graham's drumkit tumble, minor as it was.

Watch The Bitch Blow and Reclaim the Game slipped into the set perfectly and now, more so than the first shows for Mk.2, they seem, sound and feel like a band.

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