I have been delaying posting about A Field in England.
I really wanted to like it and LoveFilm had kept me waiting ages, which had built the anticipation even more. But, sadly, it's up it's own arse arty nonsense. Reece Shearsmith is very good, as he always seems to be, and there were a couple of bits that made me laugh out loud, but overall it's a film for this thread and not the 'recommend a film' thread.

Last night was Zero Dark Thirty.
A truly terrible film. A bunch of unlikeable arseholes lording it over (and torturing) brown people whilst occupying their country. Dragged slowly out for well over 2 and a half hours. The best bit was when a load of CIA scum got killed with a car bomb due to their own utter stupidity. Not a likeable character in the whole film and even actors who are normally decent (Mark Strong) are terrible. Don't bother with this rubbish.