But then again, DDMA hadn't really floated my boat in '94 (?), so I'm not sure that ALOTOCB would've been what I was looking for at the time... mind you, my life from the mid to late 90s is all a bit of a haze (if you know what I mean).
If I'm honest, I think I enjoyed NNDBAS more on first listen, and that was patchy, for me. But, it was a grower, and I think ALOTOCB will be too.
Anyway, fantastic to hear it after all these years, well done all those who kept going on about it (I gave up years ago), you can tell your kids that persistence pays off in the end. Special thanks to Ohm - I reckon a remastered 'classic' complete with extra tracks AND a whole album of unheard (by me) tracks is not too shabby. Good work, fella!
PS I played 'Ich Bin Ein Auslander' to a 23 year old colleague the other day (he's into 'melodic hardcore' whatever the fuck THAT is) - he said I'd gone on about Pop Will Whatever for so long he thought he should see what all the fuss is about. Suffice to say he's now emigrating to New Zealand in December...