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pop will eat itself • View topic - B Sides, Remixes & Rarities Vols 1+2 REWORKS

B Sides, Remixes & Rarities Vols 1+2 REWORKS

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Re: B Sides, Remixes & Rarities Vols 1+2 REWORKS

Postby Meat Trademark » Tue Jul 16, 2013 7:43 pm

Thank you for these!
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Re: B Sides, Remixes & Rarities Vols 1+2 REWORKS

Postby payback3000 » Fri Aug 16, 2013 9:33 am

Bumped as a few folks have asked for these - all links at the top of the thread are still active.
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Re: B Sides, Remixes & Rarities Vols 1+2 REWORKS

Postby 80's Virus » Mon Aug 19, 2013 12:26 pm

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Re: B Sides, Remixes & Rarities Vols 1+2 REWORKS

Postby AetherWeaver » Thu Oct 03, 2013 2:40 pm

Thanks for making these available... It will be nice to have high quality versions for my MP3 player!

My ISP is probably going to throttle me for downloading these but I can't resist!
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Re: B Sides, Remixes & Rarities Vols 1+2 REWORKS

Postby saneman » Mon Oct 07, 2013 1:15 pm

Hello. Just want to thank those who made these possible. Great job and much appreciated. I'm an occasional lurker here but Poppies fan since around '93. So yes, it's really exciting to get a good collection of remixes and so on to top up from the Cherry Red reissues.
I don't know if it's okay to ask here, but I wonder if anyone could settle my mind on a couple of points?

Vol.2 refers to two tracks available on 16 Different Flavours Of Hell / Best Of - the Cicciolina 7" Mix and the Eat Me, Drink Me 7" Mix.
For the former - did this also appear on some versions of Cure For Sanity as Edited Highlights? It seems a longer version was given the same remix title but presumably this might be the same as the Extra Time mix.
As for the latter - I'm getting muddled between the album version and the 7" Mix. I'm sure my Looks Or Lifestyle CD had the shorter version but there does seem to be variation on the albums and singles but both mainly show the longer version.

It does seem that the PWEI back catalogue is full of discrepancies in regards to track lengths and edit or remix titles. Will I drive myself mad thinking about these? Maybe it's not really that complicated when you get into it? I'm no hardcore obsessive, but if I'm going to have a good collection on iTunes I need to have all the right labels!
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Re: B Sides, Remixes & Rarities Vols 1+2 REWORKS

Postby payback3000 » Mon Oct 07, 2013 2:37 pm


Cicciolina - all pressings of the LP / CD refer to it as 'edited highlights' when its actually the 'extra time mix. The 45 edit is on 16DFOH via download.

I think the 45 version of EMLMDMKM on 16DFOH edits out the strings...we did sort all this out but it's lost in the other threads on this! I have a short memory.

Just now type setting the tracklisting on the Vol 3 artwork.
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Re: B Sides, Remixes & Rarities Vols 1+2 REWORKS

Postby saneman » Tue Oct 08, 2013 8:07 am

Thank you!
I'll have a look through the related threads and see what I can see.
Very much looking forward to Vol.3 and the treasures it will no doubt contain.
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Re: B Sides, Remixes & Rarities Vols 1+2 REWORKS

Postby RolexTharsus » Tue Oct 08, 2013 8:16 am

Zero half measures (What a carve up!)
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Re: B Sides, Remixes & Rarities Vols 1+2 REWORKS

Postby VMNP » Tue Oct 08, 2013 6:38 pm

Yes you're dead on there mate. 8-)

It's the 7" inch version as featured on the CD single.
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Re: B Sides, Remixes & Rarities Vols 1+2 REWORKS

Postby deadair666 » Wed Oct 09, 2013 11:46 pm

Hi all, I'd like ot let you know VOL II is down. I'm enjoying Vol I very much.

Hopefully there will be a re-up for Vol II

I can say I have "most" of these early releases on vinyl and disc (where applicable) and i've been enjoying the Poppies since Can U Dig It? was releases in early '89.

there's one weird releases that has been bugging me. you see, after this is tha day came out, i went to a local import shoppe and bought Now For A Feast (the US Yellow and Blue one) and Beaver Patrol (UK 12'')
at that time, there was a release which was in a generic centre cut sleeve with a sticker that said "The Poppies Present The Original Scratched Record"

When I went back to get that one, it was GONE :O

Does anyone have any idea what it was?

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