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pop will eat itself • View topic - Remixes, B-Sides & Rarities Vol.1 /2 - New Art For Comments

Remixes, B-Sides & Rarities Vol.1 /2 - New Art For Comments

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Remixes, B-Sides & Rarities Vol.1 /2 - New Art For Comments

Postby payback3000 » Wed May 01, 2013 2:00 pm

OK - thaks for comments on this...

Here is todays version of Vols 2 1 & 2 with DC1 1989 AD / DC1 Live (1991) bumped to Vol 2 to give Vol 1 a bit of breathing space burning wise...which also means I can bump all mixes of GTGKTB from Vol 2 to Vol 3.

Other changes are the dropping of the eras - 1986 - 19989 - ect as this was getting a bit thangled up with bumping for space. Just Vols 1 & 2 now. Also as the is 1 track from VMNP era on Vol 1 and one on Vol 2 - the list of 'in print' tracks from that era appears on both artworks as it's relevant to both. Preaching to the perverted (Remixed) is near the Dance Of The Mad stuff in the Vol 2 list as it was used for that and on the Vol 1 list as it was from the aborted VMNP Remix EP

All making sense?

Any more cock ups here?
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Re: Remixes, B-Sides & Rarities Vol.1 /2 - New Art For Comme

Postby kwvp » Wed May 01, 2013 2:19 pm

"Love Missile F-11" is missing a 1...
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Re: Remixes, B-Sides & Rarities Vol.1 /2 - New Art For Comme

Postby payback3000 » Wed May 01, 2013 2:31 pm

Haw...cheers. keep them coming.
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Re: Remixes, B-Sides & Rarities Vol.1 /2 - New Art For Comme

Postby mastermilo » Thu May 02, 2013 10:03 pm

Any chance of download links to Vol 1& 2 ever being reposted! :D
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Re: Remixes, B-Sides & Rarities Vol.1 /2 - New Art For Comme

Postby payback3000 » Fri May 03, 2013 6:22 am

Erm...yes if you read the first post. I'm getting this art checked before re-posting as the volumes have been updated - a couple of omissions added ect.

Really only one error here?

I'll give it 'till after the weekend then. expect WAV & MP3 links to this in a couple of weeks then!
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Re: Remixes, B-Sides & Rarities Vol.1 /2 - New Art For Comme

Postby payback3000 » Wed May 08, 2013 9:38 am

OK a few more corrections to make.

It's also been suggested I bump all mixes of GTGKTB to Vol 3. I've bumped 2 mixes plus Gimme Shelter to Vol 3 to make room for the additions to Vol 2.

My only issue with doing that is it might not pan out that I can ensure all mixes of later tracks can be on Vol 3 or 4...there is easily 2 CDs worth of stuff for those volumes so there might be another track that ends up having its versions and mixes spread on the 2 volumes. Does that make sense?

Is having 2 mixes of GTGKTB on Vol 2 and the rest on Vol 3 going to upset the majortiy of people? Or is Vol 2 fine as it is?
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Re: Remixes, B-Sides & Rarities Vol.1 /2 - New Art For Comme

Postby payback3000 » Wed May 08, 2013 9:51 am

Right...I've noticed the last track on Vol1 - the live version of DC1 is from 1991 which somewhat scuppers the 1986 - 1989 tagline...

I'm going to have a crack at bumping the 2 versions of DC1 at the ned to Vol 2 and bumping the 2 mixes of GTG to Vol 3. Vol 1 is really tight to burn so it would give it a bit of breathing space.

If that works I will get rid of the 1896 - 1990 ect tag lines and just call these vol 1 / 2 / 3 /4.
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Re: Remixes, B-Sides & Rarities Vol.1 /2 - New Art For Comme

Postby payback3000 » Wed May 08, 2013 2:56 pm

It worked.

I have moved DC1 1989 AD and the live 1991 version to Vol 2. This will make Vol 1 safer to burn. it was 79 mins + before.

So that means I can bump all mixes of GTGKTB to Vol 3. I've also corrected the mistakes pointed out here and via PM. Thanks brothers.

VOLUMES 3 & 4 list!

Remember nothing from TFMF as these comps are non album tracks only. it would be silly to just recompile that LP into these volumes. Any one needs TFMF let me know - but it is easy and cheap to pick up in the double CD format second hand.

Vol 3 & 4 list!

Get The Girl! Kill The Baddies! (Adrian Sherwoods 7" Version (Promo Edit))
Get The Girl! Kill The Baddies! (Adrian Sherwoods Magnificent Seven)
Get The Girl! Kill The Baddies! (Adrian Sherwoods 7" Version)
Get The Girl! Kill The Baddies! (Boilerhouse Dub Mix)

Gimme Shelter


Games Without Frontiers / Source - CD

RSVP (Fluke Dinner Mix) / Source - CD
RSVP (Fluke Supper Mix) / Source - CD
RSVP (Live) / Source - CD

Familus Horribilus (Amalgamation Version) / Source - CD
Familus Horribilus (Higher Intelligence Agency WYG (Instrumental) Mix) / Source - CD
Familus Horribilus (Mega Wob 1) / Source - CD
Familus Horribilus (Live) / Source - CD

Ich Bin Ein Auslander (Amalgamation Version) / Source - CD
Ich Bin Ein Auslander (Drone Ranger Mix) / Source - Vinyl
Ich Bin Ein Auslander (Fund-da-mental 7 Mix) / Source - CD
Ich Bin Ein Auslander (Fund-da-mental Instrumental Mix) / Source - CD
Ich Bin Ein Auslander (Live) / Source - CD

Intense (Amalgamation Version) / Source - CD

Everything's Cool (Youth 12 Promo Mix) Source - Vinyl
Everything's Cool (Youth 7 Mix) / Source - CD
Wild West (Let It Flow is on the DDMA 2013 re-issue)?

Cape Connection [Exclusive Mix] Source - Digital File
Cape Connection (Secret Knowledge Trousered Up Dub) Source - Vinyl

Underbelly (Drum Club Bugsong Instrumental Mix) Source - Vinyl

Zero Return (Future Music Mix) / Source - CD
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Re: Remixes, B-Sides & Rarities Vol.1 /2 - New Art For Comme

Postby cartsb4horses » Wed May 08, 2013 3:09 pm

i think i've got a mix of Zero Return called Instrumental Mix (ironic really as the original is instrumental anyway...)
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Re: Remixes, B-Sides & Rarities Vol.1 /2 - New Art For Comme

Postby payback3000 » Wed May 08, 2013 3:21 pm

is it not just the mix I have listed? As far as I know only the one version ever snuck out.
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