I AM CORNHOLIO!!!! Hmhmhmhmmhmh, that was pretty cool...
I'm not really.
My name is Toby and I'm a Poppie-holic.
Cast your minds back, New Year's Eve 1987/88, a naive 14 year old thinks nothing of a request from a family friend to "Come up to my bedroom, I've got something to show you..." even when a glistening 12 inches was slipped from its sheath and brandished, with some intent. Luckily for me it was the vinyl version of Box Frenzy, the son of my parent's friends was desperate to play me Hit The Hi-Tech Groove as he thought it was the greatest thing he'd ever heard. I was mildly surprised to hear a song with actual swearing in it (remember I was naive and the only album I owned was the Blues Brother soundtrack...) and the Mel and Kim sample had me smiling politely but I wasn't that blown away but a seed lodged. I made my excuses, we went back downstairs, had a can of Shandy Bass and spent the early hours of New Year's Day marching round the housing estate bellowing A-Ha's Cry Wolf (Oooh-OOOOOOO!!) at the top of our voices (no, really, I'm not making this shit up...).
Fast Forward 18 months or more and a bored schoolboy is wandering around Woolworths record department after school (honest...) wondering what to buy now that he's got the soundtrack, both live albums and the Best of The Blues Brothers compilation cassettes; a seed germinates and a name Pops into his head, Pop Will Eat Itself, but what's the album called? There's one on the shelf, the cover is black, that matches, have a look at the track listing, see if anything rings a bell. For some reason, Shortwave Transmission on Up to the Minuteman Nine looks familiar, this must be it (no, I don't know either...), the carefully hoarded lunch money (1 pound per day, one sausage and baked beans is 33p, that's 67p per day to save for other purposes!) is counted out on the counter, the Blues Brothers are removed from the Aiwa personal cassette player, for the first time ever, the new purchase slides in, headphones on, press play... FUCK ME!!!
I didn't listen to anything else for about 3 years. I only stopped listening a few years back because I no longer had a tape player and I only had the albums on cassette. Eventually I found TITD on Japanese CD but it wasn't until the Cherry Red releases that I could really get back into some serious listening again. In the meantime I've bought almost everything on every format they've ever released and I probably own more PWEI t-shirts than records (maybe, it'll be close), as well as the DDMA era blanket coat. I was a member of an earlier incar(PWEI)nation AND I still wear the wooley hat (can we post photos? It's in my coat pocket now!).
However after the split I drifted away for a number of years, eventually one gloomy January day I thought I'd look up the old Nation, see what was going on. That was January 27th 2005, 2 days after the last Reformation gig. I was devastated. You see, 25 years since I first heard them, I've NEVER seen the Poppies live and I guess I never will.
Favourite track? I don't know, they all mean different things, TITD was an awakening, I didn't know music could do that kind of thing and those tracks are classics of course, CFS was a very different path, I struggled against it for a bit but eventually let it in, although Cicciolina was an instant hit for me, I listened to it over and over again, even though I didn't like football, if TITD made me realise how much I like a metal guitar, CFS showed me I also liked electronic and dance music, those albums literally opened up the world to me (and also reminded me that really, nobody else does it like PWEI! I won't tell you where the quiet bits of I Was A Teenage Grandad ended up taking me though!

). For me though, they hit a peak with 4 tracks from side one (still listening to cassettes remember!) of TLOTL, Mother, Get The Girl Kill The Baddies, I've Always Been A Coward Baby and Token Drug Song, a sequence of tracks I don't think has ever been bettered anywhere. Add on Harry Dean Stanton and you've got the greatest EP ever recorded, if you ask me.
So that's me, owing a debt to Daniel Ollie for that New Years Eve introduction that I'll never be able to repay. I've never seen him since! Funny how these things work out...