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pop will eat itself • View topic - Tim and Graham on 6Music Tonight!

Tim and Graham on 6Music Tonight!

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Tim and Graham on 6Music Tonight!

Postby jason » Sat Apr 12, 2014 5:53 pm

http://www.popwilleatitself.net/pwei/to ... raham-tim/

They're on the Tom Robinson show -just after 9.30 apparently.

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Re: Tim and Graham on 6Music Tonight!

Postby syd hancock » Mon Apr 14, 2014 3:08 pm

So, did anyone listen?

I did and I must say it was the most satisfying interview I heard from Gra since PWEI mk 2 kicked off. For those who didn't, he aknowledged that Vileevils wasn't quite right, said that he thinks that mk 2 got off to a slow start and that he (and Tim) felt that there was real momentum behind the band now.

They are both excited by the positive reviews for Watch The Bitch Blow, sound enthused for the year ahead, are going in to start recording the album from today.

Tim sounded thrilled to be in the Poppies, which is, obviously, a verygoodthing. Tom Robinson had done his homework too which really helped.
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Re: Tim and Graham on 6Music Tonight!

Postby VMNP » Mon Apr 14, 2014 7:06 pm

So what happened to all stuff that was already recorded for this album then? :?
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Re: Tim and Graham on 6Music Tonight!

Postby mikenasty » Mon Apr 14, 2014 7:27 pm

Isn't the album suppose to be released in September? And they're just now gonna start recording it?
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Re: Tim and Graham on 6Music Tonight!

Postby Waz » Mon Apr 14, 2014 10:39 pm

Very interesting interview, and certainly interesting to hear about the sample clearance issues in the interlude of "Watch The Bitch Blow". In a way, I'm kind of relieved that the sample of Russell Brand didn't make it in there, as it might have actually detracted from the quality of the track. I can see why they wanted to use it as well, but...

Good to see Graham pick a bit of Public Enemy as well in the middle of all that - a classic single of theirs too.

Of course Tom Robinson had clearly done his homework beforehand made for a much more intelligent interview as well - rather than just the bog standard usual music journo rubbish - and he sounded really enthusiastic about the band in general.

iPlayer link (fast forward to around 32 minutes): http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b0406f5m
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Re: Tim and Graham on 6Music Tonight!

Postby payback3000 » Tue Apr 15, 2014 7:29 am

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Re: Tim and Graham on 6Music Tonight!

Postby saneman » Tue Apr 15, 2014 8:54 am

Just listened to the show this morning. Really good interview.
I'm afraid to say I hadn't previously got myself a copy of the EP. Still haven't been 100% sure on the new PWEI, plus I've not got much spending money anyway, but how could I resist after hearing the lovely Graham talking about it? Good job they kept the page open, although I guess they'll make it available digitally elsewhere. Bandcamp maybe, assuming they'll avoid iTunes or Amazon?
Quite right though, this stuff is sounding very solid and in my opinion better than some of the previous 'new' stuff. I'll be missing the current round of gigs, but I'm definitely really keen now to see 'em. Last time was May '95, in Brighton. Had Graham left by then? All a bit blurry.
Anyway, I don't know how the Newsnight sample would have worked but I'm quite fond of Russell so I'm a bit sad that he didn't approve, even if the BBC would have blocked it anyway. Maybe they'll keep it in for the gigs?
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Re: Tim and Graham on 6Music Tonight!

Postby RolexTharsus » Tue Apr 15, 2014 9:40 am

Top interview. Always a pleasure to hear Tom Robinson, man knows his onions.

I'm glad the Russell Brand sample didn't make it into WTBB, would have made the track a bit more marmite
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