Vive le early doors byte?

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Vive le early doors byte?

Postby Hunts » Sat May 05, 2012 3:31 am

Just been pumping Vive le Vileevil, and the Erly doors demos lately thanks to someone from this site. :D I won't name him coz i think piracy is still it still illegal if they're bootlegs? anyway its not for me to imcriminate anyone but myself. wink wink...thanks bro.

Anyway theres a few things I want to clear up about these cuts and thier origins. As they really made me want to spin the sonic noise byte a few times also wihch lead to some inconsistanices....

Which was recorded first? Sonic noise byte or Early doors? Coz the noise byte sounds far more better and cleaner with slicker productions. So when were the early doors laid down? based on quality i would say before SNB. Demon is FAR better on Noise byte than ANY other recording of it, the live drums brings so much more life to the track than the computer genrarated beats from vile evils and the subsequence remixes.

But retro dreaming from the Early doors on the other hand sounds the same as the version I dowlaoded off of the old pweination site. So it makes me second guess that perhaps the early doors was maybe recorded after sonic noise byte?! Even tho the version EDIAWW that I dowloaded at the same time as this track sounds so much better and newer than the version of Every Day Is A World War from Early doors. Is this the version that I dowloaded from sonic noise byte? which would put ealry doors as recored first? But then up pops Chaos and Mayhem feat. Snovonne which has only changed in so far as I believe this is the very mix that was mastered for the Chas and mayhem EP, so it puts Early doors back to being recored after Noise Byte? -you can see why I question which came first?

The guitars on this faded out version of EDIAWW that I dowlaoded all those years ago is REALLY good- I wish they'd leaked the whole track instead of the fading it out as i missed this guitar work from EDIAWW on NNDBAS even though this lastly mententioned version of it is to date the best version.

Also... Vive Le Vileevil is a killer album but does anyone think that Dpulse may have forgotten to master it? Some tracks seem to be at a different volume level to other tracks...Retro Dreaming comes in so loudly I have to turn the spekers down, which leaves Evil Mantra that follows it feeling a little lackluster with me having to turn the speakers back up again even tho i know how much more energy this track holds. Has anyone else noticed this problem?

Also Demon, here, sounds like more of a demo version than the Sonic Noise Byte does. bringing back to light questions in the chronilogy. although i think F & F on VLVE is a really good remix with alot more of a punky feel than all other releases of it. Thank god! coz I've heard this track so many frign times over the last couple of years!! So many versions!!!

Also Nosebleeder turbo is f**king awsome on NNDBAS. it cirtainly eclipsed the version on VLVE but is it better than Noise byte? I think yes but it leaves me to wander how much better? which leads me to the final question- CAN YOU GUYS PLEASE RELEASE THE SONIC NOISE BYTE IN ITS ORIGINAL ENTIRITY AND LET ALL YOUR FANS GET SOME SLEEP???!!!???...or do we have to wait another 25 years for the expanded version of New Noise Designed By A Sadist?!

So just wandering if anyone out there would like to petition this movement on this thread and find some linking fluidity for this whole period of the last eight years now (Sonic Noise Byte circa 2004 right?) wich saw our favourite band in limbo for so long. Who owns the whole recording? Clint or gra? Or the recording studio they did it at? forgot to pay the bill maybe... I think these ten tracks are the missing link between PWEI-Vile Evils-PWEI2? It would aleviate alot of wanting!!!!!!

Come on guys do it for the loyalists!!
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Re: Vive le early doors byte?

Postby payback3000 » Sat May 05, 2012 6:12 am

VVLVE - the fles passed to all the sites for the release date download (that were 'mistakenly' left on itunes and when it should have been pulled before release) were not the correct mastered ones. dPluse admitted this after we picked up on the volume changes between tracks and the fact that Wasted had some drop out on it.

Jesus they couldn't do anything right. Imagine if they had released the CD with the wrong files? The fans were already gathering a posse..would have been ugly...oh yeah!

As for relaesing all that old demo stuff? I image NNDBAS is a bit of a ful stop and Crabbi is keen to move forwards with new stuff? We still might here a few niw versions of trackes thet were not remade for the last LP?
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Re: Vive le early doors byte?

Postby urban_futuristic » Sun May 06, 2012 1:38 am

As for the question of which came first, it was certainly the Sonic Noise Byte that came first - it was put together as a result of the new recordings that PWEI were doing around the time of the Reformation tour - however some of those songs (possibly all of them) were written as early as 1996 & therefore may see the light of day on the Dos Dedos Mis Amigos reissue that Ohm is currently working on.

The completist in me would KILL to get my mits on a proper mastered copy of Vive Le Vile Evil... (even just WAV / FLAC files) if for no other reason than to make my home-made/own pressing of the album sound a little "fuller".

I believe Demon went through a number of incarnations to eventually get to what it ended up being released as - the SNB version being very different to the final Vile Evils version.
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Re: Vive le early doors byte?

Postby VMNP » Sun May 06, 2012 6:31 am

I have the CD that was very briefly released but no idea if it's any better mastered than any other version (i can't generally tell such things)
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Re: Vive le early doors byte?

Postby mikenasty » Mon May 07, 2012 2:27 pm

I'd heard from somebody on the site that a few of the songs on the VLVE CD sounded a little "fuller" but that Retro Dreaming was still absurdly loud. I've always wondered about the timing of SNB and the Early Door demos. Does anybody know how involved with SNB Clint or Rich ever were? I always suspected that they weren't too involved. But ohm did say that "I'm Going to Get You Baby" and I think 1 other from SNB are a possibility for the DDMA reissue.
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Re: Vive le early doors byte?

Postby VMNP » Tue May 08, 2012 4:35 am

Aside from Demon Clint's songs on SNB were from 96.
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