Good morning!!!!
first off i would like to apologise to anyone who may have been offended / pissed off by my behaviour at the end of the gig on friday - it would never be my intention to do this to such a fine buch of chaps
We started drinking in the hotel bar at half 3, this plus a lack of food (and weed) seemed to give me a slightly over excited edge. Jumping up and down shouting "fuck em and their law" 15 minutes earlier and was then told i could not go to the smoking area is the reason i light the ciggie. I took offence to the bouncer grabbing my arm and trying to force it out of my hand (and i have to say for a big man he was not very strong) - that is the reason i lifted my arm and his and said "if you want it so bad, have it" and chucked it in his face.
Another apology to anyone i did not manage to say ta ta too, we went for some food - after eating i was sick so decided to head back to our hotel. Of course on the way back i sprung into life again and we got back on the boddingtons in the hotel bar
A good night all round - as usual great to see everyone, and also good to remain in one piece. Just a huge scratch down my forehead, and a nick under my eye - i took a boot to the head from someone crowd sufing (not sure if it was Onket - it usually is
) but a mere flesh wound and nothing that a bit of savalon could not solve.
I was a little suprised the place was not packed - after the last london gig i guess i thought it would be heaving in there but room to move around was good at times. I did promise Jason a full reveiw but this cant be done as i far too pissed to take and make notes and working from memory in that state is nigh on impossible for me.
I would say the set was pretty much the same as the reading CD - but i may be corrected later in the thread
Spent Saturday in the West End - and yesterday in the garden with the Reading gig playing on my mp3 player.
Roll on the next one - somkewhere different from electric Ballroom i hope!!