by statusthimble » Mon Nov 21, 2011 10:32 pm
FFS, is it actually beyond Dpulse's capabilities to ever be straightforward with people? (yes i know....)
So, they announce vive le it was meant to be (er, except not, cos it got canned, but anyway moving on....) complete with the sort of disclaimer that actually had me thinking it might be legit, ie we can do this provided we clearly distance ourselves from PWEI. I actually thought maybe Adam stands to get something more from that than the PWEI album, fair enough if it's kosher.
Then upon apparently being told where to go with it, put an announcement up making it sound like their exciting news that Vileevils product is officially no longer available! Well wasn't that the idea over 18 months ago? Well done for catching up. The whole thing is cringeworthy.
I know there are people here who have recently had good experiences and are willing to let that speak for itself, but now those experiences look like the actions of someone who was happy to make any money they could from VE, could possibly handle having to post 1 box set at a time, and then believing things had quitened down and they'd gained a bit of goodwill again, pulled this shit.