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pop will eat itself • View topic - No Pop No Style The Feedback Thread

No Pop No Style The Feedback Thread

News about pop will eat itself

Re: No Pop No Style The Feedback Thread

Postby Stubborn Puppet » Wed Aug 14, 2013 6:54 pm

Had to immediately chime in while on my first listen through. Just got the disc in the mail like 30 minutes ago and immediately shoved on the headphones and hit play. There isn't anything about this that isn't glorious... This could easily be an official release and deserves to be.

Here's to a second edition release of "No Pop No Style".
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Re: No Pop No Style The Feedback Thread

Postby PHO-KU » Wed Aug 14, 2013 9:34 pm

thanks for the info payback.

if anyone here could burn me copies cds and artwork would be greatly appreciated and compensated, ta.
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Re: No Pop No Style The Feedback Thread

Postby Meat Trademark » Wed Aug 14, 2013 10:19 pm

sleepy from the poison
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Re: No Pop No Style The Feedback Thread

Postby rjrteb » Thu Aug 15, 2013 11:00 am

Just finished a first listen & very nice work guys! Excellent looking set in the flesh too - even better than the preview pics suggested (nicely done payback3000!!).

Somehow I never noticed the U2 Until the End of the World similarity until listening to Artificial Human's version of Menofearthereaper.

Current fave is Jason & Paul Vs The Vocal Minority's Wise Up! Sucker.

Count me in for some more of the same :)
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Re: No Pop No Style The Feedback Thread

Postby dunproofin » Thu Aug 15, 2013 10:30 pm

Seriously all good from the packaging (love it that it comes sealed & stickered), through to the design and then the contents .... uniformly good. Whoever did the mastering did a good job at keeping the album at consistent levels (from experience I know what a pain that can be), and it really flows nicely also from track to track.

Really difficult to isolate standout tracks, but I'm especially keen on King Brown's "The Fuses Have Been Lit" (really solid and reminds me a lot of ISDN period FSOL) Project 13's "Seek & Destroy" (Very LFO in places) and Jason & Paul vs The Vocal Minority "Wise Up Sucker" (genius to switch vocals, and really keen on the fx also - will sound immense in on a loud PA with that guitar and breaks combination). Again, not to dismiss anything else as it's consistently good, you groovy f*ckers.

The whole package could easily be a commercial release. Will be really interesting to hear the remix package as you lot are clearly talented mofos. Bring on volume 2.
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Re: No Pop No Style The Feedback Thread

Postby 80's Virus » Tue Aug 20, 2013 6:17 pm

Just a quick thank you as I'm now the proud owner of this very professional looking CD. I'll give you my verdict on the sounds in a mo, as the CDJ has just swallowed up the disc and I'm about kick back with the headphones on.

It's all too tempting to use my stickers, is there any going spare?
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Re: No Pop No Style The Feedback Thread

Postby 80's Virus » Wed Aug 21, 2013 3:11 pm

Played the CD a couple of times now, and as Vader would say...."impressive, most impressive."
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Re: No Pop No Style The Feedback Thread

Postby Onket » Wed Aug 21, 2013 6:47 pm

Love the tagline!
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