OK - Madia Vale DDMA sessions moved to the upcoming BBC Radio Sessions compilation...so here is a revised tracklisting...still need the final Cherry Red Re-issue track listing though.
Get The Girl! Kill The Baddies! (Boilerhouse Dub Mix)
Gimme Shelter
Games Without Frontiers / Source - CD
RSVP (Fluke Dinner Mix) / Source - CD
RSVP (Fluke Supper Mix) / Source - CD
RSVP (Live) / Source - CD
Familus Horribilus (Amalgamation Version) / Source - CD
Familus Horribilus (Higher Intelligence Agency WYG (Instrumental) Mix) / Source - CD
Familus Horribilus (Mega Wob 1) / Source - CD
Familus Horribilus (Live) / Source - CD
Ich Bin Ein Auslander (Amalgamation Version) / Source - CD
Ich Bin Ein Auslander (Drone Ranger Mix) / Source - Vinyl
Ich Bin Ein Auslander (Fund-da-mental 7 Mix) / Source - CD
Ich Bin Ein Auslander (Fund-da-mental Instrumental Mix) / Source - CD
Ich Bin Ein Auslander (Live) / Source - CD
Intense (Amalgamation Version) / Source - CD
Everything's Cool (Youth 12 Promo Mix) Source - Vinyl
Everything's Cool (Youth 7 Mix) / Source - CD
Wild West (Let It Flow is on the DDMA 2013 re-issue)?
Cape Connection [Exclusive Mix] Source - Digital File
Cape Connection (Secret Knowledge Trousered Up Dub) Source - Vinyl
Underbelly (Drum Club Bugsong Instrumental Mix) Source - Vinyl
Zero Return (Future Music Mix) / Source - CD