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pop will eat itself • View topic - PWEI Remixes, B-Sides & Rarities Vol.3 - Discussion Thread

PWEI Remixes, B-Sides & Rarities Vol.3 - Discussion Thread

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Re: PWEI Remixes, B-Sides & Rarities Vol.3 - Discussion Thre

Postby payback3000 » Fri Dec 21, 2012 1:38 pm


OK - Madia Vale DDMA sessions moved to the upcoming BBC Radio Sessions compilation...so here is a revised tracklisting...still need the final Cherry Red Re-issue track listing though.

Get The Girl! Kill The Baddies! (Boilerhouse Dub Mix)

Gimme Shelter

Games Without Frontiers / Source - CD

RSVP (Fluke Dinner Mix) / Source - CD
RSVP (Fluke Supper Mix) / Source - CD
RSVP (Live) / Source - CD

Familus Horribilus (Amalgamation Version) / Source - CD
Familus Horribilus (Higher Intelligence Agency WYG (Instrumental) Mix) / Source - CD
Familus Horribilus (Mega Wob 1) / Source - CD
Familus Horribilus (Live) / Source - CD

Ich Bin Ein Auslander (Amalgamation Version) / Source - CD
Ich Bin Ein Auslander (Drone Ranger Mix) / Source - Vinyl
Ich Bin Ein Auslander (Fund-da-mental 7 Mix) / Source - CD
Ich Bin Ein Auslander (Fund-da-mental Instrumental Mix) / Source - CD
Ich Bin Ein Auslander (Live) / Source - CD

Intense (Amalgamation Version) / Source - CD

Everything's Cool (Youth 12 Promo Mix) Source - Vinyl
Everything's Cool (Youth 7 Mix) / Source - CD
Wild West (Let It Flow is on the DDMA 2013 re-issue)?

Cape Connection [Exclusive Mix] Source - Digital File
Cape Connection (Secret Knowledge Trousered Up Dub) Source - Vinyl

Underbelly (Drum Club Bugsong Instrumental Mix) Source - Vinyl

Zero Return (Future Music Mix) / Source - CD
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Re: PWEI Remixes, B-Sides & Rarities Vol.3 - Discussion Thre

Postby VMNP » Sat Dec 22, 2012 6:24 am

What about Familus Horribilus HIA Vocal Mix?
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Re: PWEI Remixes, B-Sides & Rarities Vol.3 - Discussion Thre

Postby payback3000 » Sat Dec 22, 2012 12:17 pm

What about it?

Only joking. Isn't it on TTMF? If so not including anything of that...I will check why I've left it out!

Probably I'm wrong again.
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Re: PWEI Remixes, B-Sides & Rarities Vol.3 - Discussion Thre

Postby VMNP » Sat Dec 22, 2012 3:27 pm

It doesn't seem to be on my copy, not sure where it originates from to be honest but it's on me Ipod. 8-)
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Re: PWEI Remixes, B-Sides & Rarities Vol.3 - Discussion Thre

Postby VMNP » Sat Dec 22, 2012 4:03 pm

Hang on i think it's the WYG mix anyway but just listed as HIA vocal mix, i dunno i'm bloody confused. Where's the instrumental mix come from?
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Re: PWEI Remixes, B-Sides & Rarities Vol.3 - Discussion Thre

Postby artificialhuman » Sat Dec 22, 2012 6:35 pm

so do you guys miss the era of the multiformat import single endless remixes that either were only minor variations or complete crap or complete reconstructions that bore no resemblance to the original?

PWEI had quite a few good mixes, especially in the Two Fingers era, but I'm just saying in general. Of course I'm a big fan of just having a remix contest via fans like NIN, Radiohead, Mutemath etc. seem to do these days. You may end up with 100 crappy mixes floating around but invariably there's some real gems and it doesn't cost $12 to get the import single just to hear it.
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Re: PWEI Remixes, B-Sides & Rarities Vol.3 - Discussion Thre

Postby rjrteb » Sun Dec 23, 2012 3:00 pm

Familus Horribilus (Higher Intelligence Agency Vocal) from the R.S.V.P./Familus Horribilus 12" is the same as what's listed as the Higher Intelligence Agency W.Y.G. Mix on the 2CD limited edition version of Two Fingers My Friends! (CD INFECT10CDRX), which I always assumed was a mistake in the tracklisting on TFMF.

Familus Horribilus (Higher Intelligence Agency W.Y.G. Mix) is from the R.S.V.P./Familus Horribilus CD single (CD INFECT 1CD).
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Re: PWEI Remixes, B-Sides & Rarities Vol.3 - Discussion Thre

Postby rjrteb » Sun Dec 23, 2012 3:14 pm

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Re: PWEI Remixes, B-Sides & Rarities Vol.3 - Discussion Thre

Postby payback3000 » Mon Dec 24, 2012 7:53 am

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Re: PWEI Remixes, B-Sides & Rarities Vol.3 - Discussion Thre

Postby VMNP » Mon Dec 24, 2012 8:00 am

Lovely, cheers for clearing that up. 8-)
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