Bulletproof - Australian CD single

News about pop will eat itself

Bulletproof - Australian CD single

Postby poppiestar » Fri Nov 30, 2012 11:56 pm

After all this kerfuffle over different edits, I thought I'd try and track down the Aussie CD for the collection. I ordered what was described as an Aussie copy but it arrived today and it's the UK version.

My problem is, discogs.com doesn't have the Aussie copy listed so I can't tell if it has a different serial number or if there are any other differentiating features to it. Can anyone help me out a bit with this?

On another note, what's the discogs.com section on the Poppies like anyway? Is there much missing or incorrect on it?

Thanks dudes!
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Re: Bulletproof - Australian CD single

Postby urban_futuristic » Sat Dec 01, 2012 7:49 am

The Aussie CD single came in a cardboard sleeve (not the slim jewel case that the UK pressing was in) & they are actually pretty hard to come across - even here in Australia!

The barcode for it is: 743211101325

As far as I have established, the discogs PWEI page isn't too bad, but not perfect... eg. some tracklistings seem to be wrong (but mainly because there were errors on the actual items themselves).
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Re: Bulletproof - Australian CD single

Postby payback3000 » Mon Dec 03, 2012 3:09 pm

I got mine when trying to order a replacement UK CD single a few years ago...pot luck!
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Re: Bulletproof - Australian CD single

Postby poppiestar » Mon Dec 03, 2012 11:15 pm

Well funnily enough, when I emailed the guy I bought it from to tell him it wasn't the CD he was advertising, he told me he must've sent the wrong one out to someone at another time.

Maybe we have each others' CDs!! :)
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