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pop will eat itself • View topic - Adam Mole eBay Molerabilia 'PWEI002'

Adam Mole eBay Molerabilia 'PWEI002'

News about pop will eat itself

Adam Mole eBay Molerabilia 'PWEI002'

Postby caravan4sanity » Thu May 31, 2012 7:32 pm

Now it's after 19:77 'PWEI002' is live,

http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/180895914553? ... 1555.l2649

Some of you were very clever to guess...nice one
preaching to the perverted
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Re: Adam Mole eBay Molerabilia 'PWEI002'

Postby payback3000 » Fri Jun 01, 2012 7:20 am

Seeing that Wolves logo glowing before the band took to the stage used to get me all excited...just because it meant you were at a poppies gig and it was going to be ace! I don't follow the football so this logo just means PWEI more than footy to me.
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Re: Adam Mole eBay Molerabilia 'PWEI002'

Postby jason » Fri Jun 01, 2012 12:12 pm

Yes football is shit.
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Re: Adam Mole eBay Molerabilia 'PWEI002'

Postby kjwylie » Sat Jun 02, 2012 9:49 pm

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Re: Adam Mole eBay Molerabilia 'PWEI002'

Postby def con juan » Wed Jun 06, 2012 9:32 pm

yeah, i agree.

as a reluctant Villa fan (by family order) who secretly fancied West Brom (the local team who all my mates supported) seeing this glowing on stage let me knowl i was in for a treat!
def con juan
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Re: Adam Mole eBay Molerabilia 'PWEI002'

Postby Onket » Thu Jun 07, 2012 9:56 am

I can't be the only one who was into football & music in approx equal measure in the early nineties, surely?

I do remember seeing the odd Wolves shirt in the crowd at poppies gigs and/or festivals, but mainly assumed it was a fashion thing, because of the band, rather than the football came first.

These days I'd probably bound up and speak to the person wearing the shirt, but not so much then.
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