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Introduce yourself

Tue Jul 26, 2011 9:16 pm
by jason
Add something here if you are new or returning.....
Re: Introduce yourself

Tue Jul 26, 2011 9:36 pm
by chrisconnection
Returning Chrisconnection
Really glad to have the board back was having withdrawel !!
Poppies fan since the mid nineties ( A bit late i know). Got into them when i was about 14 i think when LOADED came out on the PS1 which featured a few poppies songs as you all know.
Went out and bought DDMA on the strength of this and never looked back.
I am happy they are back and i dont mind that its just Crabbi and the new guys (but i can see why some people may do) .
I liked some of the VE tracks (Seek and Destroy , old skoool cool , Mask and Demon)
REALLY looking forward to the new record and the up coming live shows.
Fave songs :
Cape connection
R.S.V.P (A440 mix)
wake up! time to die
Games without frontiers
Re: Introduce yourself

Fri Jul 29, 2011 12:40 am
by Dr Doom
Hi All
I was browsing the NME today and saw that the poppies are touring. I checked out the website and was slightly disapointed to learn only Graham is the only original member, but to my amazment Mary Byker is now with the poppies. Back in the day Gaye Bykers on Acid were one of my fave bands.
PWEI just seems to refuse to die and keeps popping up when I thought it was from a closed chapter. Anyway here I am back at the Nation doors again. I'll try and dig out some pics of Poppieness to share with you and jog memories with Nation members.
Still like doing artwork, and now into restoring early 80's BMX's especially Raleigh Burners.
Re: Introduce yourself

Fri Jul 29, 2011 7:34 am
by Pillow
Hello Everybody!!!!!!!
It's back, we are back, they are back!!!!!
What an absolute blast of PWEI info coming out in the last few days. 2005 seems a long time ago now, and 1996 seemed along time ago from then.
I really thought that was it after everything died down after the reformation, I know VileEvils was an effort in the right direction but it never felt quite right did it.
Graham has done the right thing by me, I can't wait for this tour. THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!
THE BEAT THAT REFUSED TO DIE.....................
Re: Introduce yourself

Fri Jul 29, 2011 3:38 pm
by c3tra
hi everyone
c3tra here returning
must admit i was a bit of a naughty lurker on the old board as it was so well established, but i promise to be more active here....
been into these guys since i was round my friends house @ school lunchtime in 1988
a sound was coming out of the speakers and that sound was UBLUD, hooked ever since
keep up the great work

Re: Introduce yourself

Tue Aug 02, 2011 1:31 pm
by RolexTharsus
Introducing meself on 10th post!
Long time Poppies fan, first time pweinationer. Just got so excited about the new line up & reissues - thought I'd sign up here so the Mrs doesn't have to listen to endless talk of PWEIzation every day.

Re: Introduce yourself

Wed Aug 03, 2011 4:05 pm
by Mike
Hi chaps,
Followed the trail to this next generation of forums. Awesome job guys!
Some familiar names so that is nice.. No Ben?
Re: Introduce yourself

Wed Aug 03, 2011 4:26 pm
by pedro
Ben is here he is now going by the name of lykquydyzer
Re: Introduce yourself

Wed Aug 10, 2011 10:30 pm
by nihil
hey guys, ana/nihil back ... is negative8ball around?!
Re: Introduce yourself

Thu Aug 11, 2011 3:46 pm
He's here somewhere.