Actually, that "From the Tomb of the Near Legendary Gaye Bykers on Acid" CD is a GREAT way to get into them and showcases something from almost every age of the bands evolution.
It seems that a lot of folks aren't too hip on their later recordings and suggest to stick to the early stuff. I feel differently. I like the early stuff, but Pernicious Nonsense and Cancer Planet Mission (although CPM is poorly produced) are my two favorites by far. I have both of those autographed to me by Mary himself.
Met and talked with Mary 3 times during his tours in the US with Pigface. He's a real dude. Friendly, personable, down to earth and a real pleasure to hang with.
My favorite GBOA story has to be when I was trying to scour every record store in 50 miles for their records or CD's. I called up this one Streetside Records and asked, "I was wondering if you can look to see if you have any albums, CD's or cassettes by Gaye Bykers on Acid?" Of course, the girl heard me ask for "Gay Bikers on Acid" and after an awkward pause to ask her manager what to say, came back with, "Um, we don't really deal with that kind of stuff here... you might want to try "The Left Bank" down on Euclid... they are more in touch with that crowd." I could do nothing more than laugh hysterically and hang up. "The Left Bank" is a popular local "Gay and Lesbian" shop. I really almost crapped myself.