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pop will eat itself • View topic - pwei promo videos

pwei promo videos

pwei promo videos

Postby crozierharrison » Thu Nov 15, 2012 9:17 am

hi everyone,

i've always be confused as to why certain poppies single releases were not accompanied by a promotional video. it seems strange to me that when they were on the indie chapter 22 label they had promo videos from sweet sweet pie to def con one, okay some were pretty cheaply made, but all were as well made as touched by the hand of cicciolina.

so why is it when they got picked up by a major label promo videos were not made for some of the singles.i can maybe understand no promo video for get the girls kill the baddies since they had been dropped by rca by then but that doesnt explain no promo videos for dance of the mad or karmadrome. i can understand a double a-side not getting 2 promo videos made but there is no excuse for 1 not being made.also strange that def con one 1989 a.d. should get a promo made but not pweization as it was the first track on the very metal noise pollution ep and thus make it in my mind the lead song.maybe they did make promos for pweization,dance of the mad and karmadrome but ive never seen them.same goes for everythings cool was there a promo for that track? because ive never seen it either

does anyone know the reasons for the lack of promo videos for these particular tracks? id love to know.


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Re: pwei promo videos

Postby Mad Bastard » Thu Nov 15, 2012 10:03 am

Adam wrote about the reason for there being no video for Dance of the Mad in the Cure for Sanity Cherry Red CD sleeve, something to do with the fact that Graham made a last minute change to the track that Korda at RCA wasn't to happy with, so they got 'punished' by not having a video done or something.

There were videos for Karmadrome, Get The Girl Kill The Baddies and Everything's Cool though. I always thought the fact they did a video for Def.Con.One 1989AD instead of PWEIzation a bit odd myself.
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Re: pwei promo videos

Postby jason » Thu Nov 15, 2012 12:36 pm

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Re: pwei promo videos

Postby Mad Bastard » Thu Nov 15, 2012 1:00 pm

It looks like Adam's wearing the very same Club Mondiale shirt he just sold.
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Re: pwei promo videos

Postby jason » Thu Nov 15, 2012 1:20 pm

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Re: pwei promo videos

Postby RolexTharsus » Thu Nov 15, 2012 2:26 pm

Zero half measures (What a carve up!)
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Re: pwei promo videos

Postby crozierharrison » Fri Nov 23, 2012 2:38 pm

thanks for all the information guys.

i watched the promo videos from the link and realised i had seen a little clip of karmadrome at the time and had just forgot about it.how bad is that video for bulletproof? i always disliked that 1980's hand colouring and scribble stuff inxs used to use it as well.
get teh girls kill the baddies was defo new to me so that was a nice treat!

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Re: pwei promo videos

Postby crozierharrison » Fri Nov 23, 2012 2:42 pm

i just remembered, ive got one of those pwei black and red coke football tops as well, i wore it to the poppies gig in glasgow last year and i guy told me they can go for as much as £100 a time,i know there are only 100 of them because i got it from the fan club .

that was at a time when rock of ages was to be the next single and i had to wait 21 years to actually hear it, but it was worth the wait as i think its one of the best tracks they ever did. i
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Re: pwei promo videos

Postby crozierharrison » Sat Nov 24, 2012 8:51 am

once again thanks for all the replies and info. now the next question is why are these promo videos missing from the uspoilt by progress long form video compilation,weird!
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Re: pwei promo videos

Postby RolexTharsus » Sat Nov 24, 2012 9:03 am

Zero half measures (What a carve up!)
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