payback3000: Thanks for clearing that up about the spikes. I've definitely noticed that older pre-millennium CDs sound quieter and as you said they probably look similar too. But you're right, I've been looking at post-Loudness Wars wavs and thinking "why aren't mine like that, what am I doing wrong?". Well if brickwalling will damage the dynamic range I'll just leave it as it is! Thanks again!
kwvp: Actually the drums are spread out over 3 tracks, one for kick, one for snare and one for tom and cymbal however each mic picked up a bit of everything so I've tried to EQ as much out as possible without making things flat. Had a bit of a problem with the bass - it copies the guitar track (which i also EQd to remove bass) but its difficult to make out. If I turn the bass off the difference is vast but when its on it just sounds like the low-end of the guitar coming through when actually its a bass guitar.Statistics: Posted by dave_van_damn — Wed Feb 11, 2015 9:31 am